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Posts posted by WAYNE15071965

  1. Wearing a uniform of any kind should not be allowed unless you have earned the right to in the forces. Just put them on dummies so i can look at them...... just my two pennies now go and enjoy yourselves with whatever floats your boat....


    Interesting idea, maybe your right, maybe we should stop wearing the uniforms or anything military, maybe they should all be taken away and locked up. But then we would have to remove all the large green metal things driving around, cant have them roaming the countryside scaring people can we, lets scrap them all.

    Where do you stop, Ok you don't like re-enactors, thats your right and a golly hard fought for right it is, but please remember it was the guys in the correct uniform that made large green metal things do what they were built for.


    So just as there is a need to keep the machine working, there is also a need to remember those that operated them, and if you where to take the time to go Look and Listen to some of the reenactors you will find its not all about guns and explosions, but everyday life of a soldier.

  2. OK folks - go a bit steady until the full facts are known. There will be a reason behind it............



    Jack, what sort of reason could he have, Would you allow it on A&E? I think not.

    This jeep owner has gone wat to far, and will bring issues for all of us, wether we walk or drive.

  3. This picture was taken at Pickering North Yorkshire this last weekend.


    Why, why, why?

    What sort of brain power has this simpleton jeep owner got?

    Not only is it down right disgusting and distasteful to have a shrouded copse draped across the bonnet of his jeep, but it is a further insult to the American people, past and present to use their flag is such a deplorable way.

    Then to drive though the streets with no sense of shame brings him to a level lower than a rattlesnakes belly.

    This bellend needs to be named and shamed.

    Earlier I did question what form of employment the woman with him had, I was extremely angry, I have now calmed down a little, however I do still wonder what sort of moral judgement she has, sat there in her finest, with a surposedly dead body on the bonnet.

    If I had been there and seen that I would not have been able to stop myself calling him a few names not printable here or even stepping into the road and stopping him, and I know of several other GI reenactors here in the UK that feel the same.

    This sort of behaviour only goes to trivialise and ruin what the rest of us do.

    They are morons.


    Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it has upset so many people both here in the UK and around the world.

  4. Over the past couple of months, the WW2 LHA has been undergoing a much needed face lift.


    As you may have noticed our logo has recently been refreshed and yesterday our new website went live. The site aims to showcase our association and features more information on the LHA, what we do, our history, the units within our ranks and of course plenty of pictures of us in action.


    Please feel free to take a look at: www.ww2lha.co.uk


    The LHA are also on the lookout for quality groups to join our association. If you see yourself and your unit standing alongside us at some of the most established and respected shows on the UK re-enactment circuit (as well as some promising newer events) then please drop us a line to find out more at:





  5. Hello


    I am looking for people with ww2 US Dodge Ambulances.

    On June 12th & 13th the 50th Field Hospital will be stageing an event at (Holy Trinity C of E School) Connaught House Weymouth.

    The 50th arrived at Connaught house on the 4th April 1944 and set up a 380 bed tented hospital and departed for Europe on 11th September.

    the 50th took all the casualties from Exercise Tiger aswell as many from Overlord.


    we have be given a grassed area at the rear of the school with good access and parking.

    This will be a non-combat related display.


    If any one wants to come to support us we will be more that happy to have you with us

  6. Its all funny, you know. I came on here to explain and to give reason to why things are the way they are.

    Tried to bring all parties closer together and bring a little understanding to our hobbies.

    However with the odd exception, all I have seen is obstructive dividing attiudes, which frankly went out years ago.

    The public are the ones that will be listened too, they know the difference between quailty and old fossils, those that are prepared to brake from the chains of the old world will be welcomed with open arms, those that don't, will have to play else where. There are plenty of MV owners who have gone out and brought the right uniforms to wear in their MVs, and well done to them.

    This is my last word on this matter, enjoy which ever route you take in life.

  7. As the Tank Museum has a contract with the WW2 LHA, doesn't that include some remuneration :confused:


    The museum paysus to pay for the section 5 weapons, ammo and pyrotechics, and effect materials.

    the rest of the budget goes on the movement of our armour, trucks and display materials and insurance.


    In the last 4 years the LHA has come away from Bovington with a lose of around £100 to £400 each year.


    WE do it because our members want to be there, and want to put on a bloody good show. Which we do

  8. John

    Your appearance in Black has never been a problem, and fits in fine with that Tank of yours.


    Too all the others, I came on hear to help get more of you into Bovington, but it seems your single minded, I wont change attitude will leave you as a paying customer if you come along.


    Tankfest is not an MV rally, it is a celebration of tank warfare and the history of the tank over last 90 years.


    One fact for you, the biggest crowd of the day is when the re-enactors do their mock battle, after which the public leave in there droves.

    This is why the reenactors where last on this year because in the past the British Army has been displaying to half empty showgrounds.


    One more thing 10,500 people came to Tankfest this year. 3000 more than last year, so the public like the format.

  9. I have to say I was a little surprised by this comment ! " kids in jeans and red tee shirts manning the 30cal of a jeep, " Surely these are the very people that should be encouraged to take part as they are future customers and the people the museum is trying to educate and get enthusiastic about history etc ! Also will the museum now be paying people to re-enact at the shows if they are expected to stand by THEIR vehicles all day ! Not very impressed if this is the way forward I'm afraid ! Shame !


    The reenactors dont get paid to stand all day in their foxholes, and many slept in them at night too.

    It seems from the comments so far, some MV owners feel that just turning up will get them in for free, and that thats all the effort they need to make. Well sorry this is no longer the case. The paying public expect to see it looking right, and it does not do the museums worldwide reputation any good by having low standards.


    I have a great respect for all MV owners, but the dresscode will still take effect at events

  10. Take a look at Weymouth Veterans Parade, all the MV owners have made the little effort to wear the right clothing, and to get into the spirit of the event. At the end of the day its your choice, just like a night club, the museum has a dress code.





  11. I went to Tankfest for the first time on Saturday and have to say that it was a fantastic event. It was so good to see the crews in the machines that displayed all in the correct uniforms. Plus, the Living History area was really well done with slit trenches on the bank and various layouts on the field. Special mention must go to the guys with the halftrack who had created a marvellous period set piece which if photographed from the right angle put you right 'there' so to speak. In spite of the heat, the attention to detail showed as when an outer uniform was removed there were no modern t-shirts on view, just standard issue grubby white with no logos in evidence. Well done to the organisers for setting this rule for this special event.


    With several hundred images to go through, I've not been through them all yet but when I have, I'll post some here and give a link to the full report.



    If you mean the halftrack with the quad 50cal machine guns that was my group. Full kit was to be worn as it was 65 years ago.

  12. Chris


    Thats is what I want to do for next event. David Willie the curator and I are keen to get the right mix of MV traffic on site.


    One thing that happened this year was someone turned up witha green goddess and wanted to drive into the display area. he had no invite and was most pout out when told he would have to pay like everyone else and had to park it up with the vans and campmers in the car park.


    One point that needs to be made clear, We/I have no problems with any MV from what ever period, but the ww1 to Korea Period will get priority, and will have to fit in with space available.


    It would need to be something really special to get a Land Rover in, emember this is not Beltring, and I mean this in the nices way.

  13. Can I clear a few things up. In the past the MVT and others have been made welcome to Tankfest. However now due to the limited display area, the organisers including me, have had to make some adjustments to the sorts of things coming to be displayed.


    The museum has taken the step to provide all it's tank crew with the correct coloured uniforms for the tanks they are driving, all the living history displays are void of any modern kit or camping equipment during the day. The tanks where poss are put into living history displays to help bring them to life and to give a better idea of what it was really like.


    In future we/I would like to have MVT involvment in Tankfest, but only if the following can be adhered too.


    1. People come from all over the world to see the stuff that comes to Tankfest, but having a MV covered in Normandy 2008, 2007, 2006 stickers dont make the grade.

    It needs to be as it was when it was used for real.


    2. Bringing your MV to the show, parking it up and leaving it, is not an option. It is not a free ticket to get in. I would prefer you come along, park it up in one of the suitable living history areas and allow it to be park of the display. Ideally with you still with the MV dressed in the correct uniform for the MV and time period.


    3. You need to be happy to bring it for the whole weekend, starting Friday Night, you need it to be clear of modern stuff during the day, No sitting behind it in deckchairs, no showroom finish, it needs to be as realistic as it should be.


    There are may great MVs out there that I and many others would like to see, so its over to you.

    One final point, the reason for this stiff approach is, about 10 years ago I was a visitor to an MVT event held at Bovington and stood in the crowd with me was a guy from Canada and another for Austrailia. They where armed with top of the range cameras ready to photograph the MVs and Tanks, we had been stood together for several hours so had become chatty during the show.

    But as several or the Mv went past that stopped taking pictures, and instead just complained about the rare MV going around the show arena with plastic water bottles and kids in jeans and red tee shirts manning the 30cal of a jeep, and saying what a waste of time it was for them coming halfway round the world and the owner of the MV, as it was like only going half way to doing it right.

    its 100% or not at all.

  14. Hello


    My name is Wayne and I'm from Dorset.

    I am also secretary of the WW2LHA and the Living History and Battle Organizers for Bovington Tank Museums "TANKFEST"

    I don't own a MV myself but wished to join here to improve contacts between your hobby and ours.

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