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Posts posted by Kiwidave4

  1. Hi sorry I cant help just now But do you have a set of plans/drawings as I have wanted to do this in 1/25 with the Tamiya kit

    Thanks David N


    I dont really have a set of plans. I have the 1/48th drawing that George Bradford did, but it is very innaccurate. I also have an old MilMod that has a Geoffrey Futter 1/76th drawing. It also has some innaccuracies, and because it is 1/76th it is also short on detail. I can send you either if you want but I have not used them in my build, preferring to scale from photos. The fact that all dimensions have to be adjusted to match Tamiyas hull does limit the value of a scale plan anyway.


    There was an article on building a 1/25th version in Military Modelcraft in 2007. I have a zip file of the article if you would like it. Does not help much with construction, but it has some nice ref photos.


    Are you familiar with the late Steve Cruickshanks builds? There are a couple of galleries on Photobucket <http://s50.photobucket.com/user/BARV/library/BARV-BUILD?sort=3&page=1>.


    Regards Dave

  2. Apologies in advance as this is not a vehicle restoration question. I am building a 1/35th Centurion BARV and need to make a snatch block. I have some excellent ref photos but none of them give me a dimensional reference I can scale from.


    Could someone help me with the dimensions of the 15 ton snatch block, just the diameter of the pulley would do as I can then scale the rest of it.


    Thanks in advance.


    Regards Dave


    PS. This is a recent progress pic


  3. These schemes were used by lead aircraft to help formations to form up over Blighty prior to heading for all points east. They took off first and flew round in circles while the rest of the aircraft took off and formated on them.

  4. I model post war British vehicles and found this site some time ago while doing some research. Since then I have got quite a lot of useful info from here and thought maybe I could contribute to the site with some pics of my last build.


    The model started life as a built example of the old Tamiya kit which I found online. I had to do a bit of scratchbuilding to sort out the problems with this kit, and used Accurate Armour wheels. The lower hull is very semi-scale which is the result of bad planning on my part, - I had intended the vehicle to be bogged to avoid having to make the suspension and wheels. By the time I changed my mind I had already assembled the upper and lower hull so had to resort to some improvised surgery to accomodate the undercarriage.


    The finished model represents a vehicle in Aden during the sixties.


    Regards Dave









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