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  1. Sorry to jump in unannounced, but I'm also curious about the Explorer's axle technology. If its a worm drive, surely taking your foot of the accelerator just locks the axle, it being impossible to turn a worm with a gear. Is there a one way clutch in the transmission? I'm thinking there must be.
  2. Aha! And what a find these threads are. Thanks for that. Looks like I'm not the only one to have this idea!
  3. Hi Andy, yes, I noticed the lack of a front diff whilst I was crawling around underneath, but it was the walking beam axles that I was particularly interested in as apart from taking a few of Daisy's vital statistics, I was trying to work out how the walking beam is located. I presume there's an axle tube which the beam locates on, with the axle itself running through both. You should have seen the looks I got from the family of four when I finally emerged from underneath covered from head to toe in dried clay and clutching a tape measure, paper and camera.
  4. I know you're right. Its like there's a big neon sign saying 'Buy a real one' right outside my house. The light from it keeps me awake at night. I have considered annexing the Village Green in front of the house, but I have very unreasonable neighbours . . . I suppose I could always run them over with it though.
  5. Evening all. I'm Alex and I'm here because I suffer from a terrible disease - namely Scammell-itis. I'm currently researching a scale model project, a 1/10th scale model of a Scammell Explorer, to be precise. I'm not sure if there is a cure, but I recently had a moment of clarity when I found myself underneath 'Daisy' at Duxford measuring the Walking Beam rear axle and I suspect that the only way to relieve the symptoms is to actually complete the blasted thing and get it out of my system. So here I am. The only fly in the ointment is that having researched the project over the last month, I beginning to wonder whether buying a Scammell wouldn't be cheaper!
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