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Posts posted by wozza

  1. Engine smokes when warm. The previous owner said the vehicle had not been used in a while. Its white smoke, air filter is clean and i have just changed the fuel filter. Put a sniffer test in the filler for the coolant behind the flap on the passenger side and it turned yellow. I fear it might be head gasket but befor i do the inevitable i will see if anyone has any cunning ideas! Is it a difficult job on one of these?

  2. Cheers everyone for the help sorcing some power steering parts. They might have to wait for a while tho as my truck smokes a lot and i might have found the problem. The smoke is particulary thick when accelerating. Having looked at the engine there appears to be an oil leak just above the injector pump between the block and the head. Im gonna hav to get a guy out to have a look i think but is the head gasked difficult on one of these and more to the point are they expensive? Any ideas, sources of parts, people to call are most welcome as i have never owned a truck like this before. Its a 330 turbo diesel engine.

  3. Ha ha cheers guys! Im actually entering a strongman comp later in the year so i dont think i could do any more in the gym lol! Will try finding a scrap civilian one and remove the necessary components. Until then its just a case of grit my teeth. Maybe in real tight situations i could put the legs on the hiab down to raise the front end a bit then turn the wheels.....might work?

  4. Hi, i have a Bedford MJ with the 330ci turbo diesel and am wondering if anyone knows where to get a power steering kit from? The truck has a hiab behind the cab and this makes manouvering almost impossible. Any help would be much appreciated. Warren

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