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Andrew Rutter

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Posts posted by Andrew Rutter

  1. In my opinion, Steven Knight has written a drama for the BBC that does do justice to that remarkable period on the inception of the SAS. It is written of course as a drama, with dialogue and music appropriate to hold the attention  of today's audiences, vehicles maybe not absolutely accurate, (pretty good really as the production team went to a lot of trouble in Morocco shooting the desert scenes - the Jeeps and LRDG's Chevy are brilliant) but it shows absolutely what a game changer in WWII these soldiers were. Why do I say this, well my uncle was one of those first soldiers recruited by David Stirling to 'L' detachment, being picked out of many, sitting in that hanger in Cairo. Wounded in the raid on Sirte airfield, went on to Sicily, (we think also Crete?) and then 'Operation Houndsworth' in France before & after D Day. I didn't know any of these stories until decades after WWII, and Ben MacIntyres's research & book, but as far as I am aware, it is 'mostly true',  just as the opening credits says!  I'm so pleased as he richly deserved his MM. I actually think the series should be a BAFTA nomination.

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