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  1. Again this was for the Allied Forces day parade. This was the year the Chieftains were green and black. I cant remember why at the time but might have been for exercise or they had a later variant of the chieftain brought in. So had not painted the new vehicles in the urban camoflage.
  2. Top left Queens Birthday parade , in the Grunwald Berlin. Bottom left QBP again and outside the sheds all painted up. Once we drove down to the Olympic stadium usually a couple of weeks before for rehearsals and yes we had to practice sitting still in our seats. We also went early and drove on matts as Her Majesty could not bare to see tank tracks on the lawn. We also then had to paint the exhaust area where it blackened so it all looked good. We unfortunately did not get the real thing and only got Princess Margaret who did not show as she was drunk and the other one who is heir to the throne now. Last picture is again outside the sheds.
  3. Again from top left. Ready for some parade, 17EA92 my vehicle, anyone know what happened to her? Bottom left on exercise in West Germany with me driving a flat top instead, Mk 2 Diesel if i remember. Pack lift again and i think you can see the oil leek. All our 432s were diesel. As far as i know every 432/30 was in Berlin. So 12 in all.
  4. From right to left circa 1985 Myself leaning on the French AMX 30 if I remember at the Rhulaben fighting village in Berlin. View from above to give you idea of different hatch for the turret version which was discussed earlier. Bottom left. Allied forces day parade on the main drag, Herr Strassa? Anyway near the victory column. A pack lift on a flat top as we called them. Oil leek.
  5. I can confirm that 17EA92 was a 432/30 as we called them. (1 Devon and Dorset) We had them in Berlin and 17EA92 was the one i spent most of the time driving and painting. We are talking the mid 80s. From left to right, somewhere in West Germany on Exercise. Possibly Hoehn or Senelagger(spelling is bad). Again one of the training areas with one rolled. No one hurt. In the shed at Brook BKS Berlin before one of the parades. Last picture my crew with me driving again in Brook Bks. I think the 432/30s came about as a predecessor for Warrior to see if it could be done on the cheap. They were fun to use but lacking as they could not carry a full compliment of soldiers nor had the armour to stand as a sort of fire support vehicle. Fell between 2 ideas. Being not good enough in either. We were used in an ad hoc fashion with no real purpose to our existence. I will post more photos as i find them.
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