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Posts posted by andywis

  1. Greetings everyone 

    New here. Interested in the  aviation side of things. I am a Volunteer at Brooklands Museum, working in the Library/Archives. Particular interest is in the Vickers Wellingtons based in the Middle East.

    In an earlier existence, ie before retirement, I was an Air Traffic Controller based in this country. I  then moved to Paris, France working for Eurocontrol as a Supervisor in the ATC Flight Planning system (IFPS).



  2. Hello everybody- new kid on the block!
    I have a question for @Cheshire Steve: 

    I am trying to identify the serial number of a Hart aircraft which left Heliopolis (BARU?) and was assigned to 162 squadron at Shallufa. The date was 4 February 1942. Long shot!!

    Andy Wis

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