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Posts posted by BigKally

  1. The United States Air Force used the Cadillac Gage Ranger armored car (Known in USAF service as the Peacekeeper, hence the title.) from the early 80s to the late 90s. They had a fleet of them over here in the UK, being used to guard their bases untill being phased out and replaced by the HMMWV in the late 80s. Question is, where did they all go? I know a lot went to the Balkans in the 90s with IFOR, some might've gone back to the US, and I'm sure plenty were sold off through the DRMO at Molesworth and cut up for scrap, but I'm wondering if anyone knows about any that are still around?


    I'm with a group that portrays USAF Security Police units from the same era, and know a number of other people with ex-USAF vehicles, so if there's one in private hands it'd be nice to connect with the owner.

    I have seen a singular picture of one rotting on a paintball field in the 00s at an undisclosed location, and knowing paintball sites, it's probably still there. But I have no idea where 'there' is, and the author didn't tell. If there's one rotting away somewhere like that, then I'd potentially be interested in buying one, but it would need to be an exceptionally good deal.



  2. I thought I'd look up my dad's Jeep the other day just out of curiosity to see if it's still on the road, and found this picture:


    The only information I've got from the place I found this is that it was taken at a VE day parade in Everingham, East Yorkshire, last year.

    My dad owned this jeep from 1970 up to 2003, my parents got married in it, and he restored it two or three times in those 30 years. It underwent a full, nut and bolt restoration was whilst I was growing up in the 90s and was sold not too long after it was finished so I wasn't able to fully appreciate it at the time. Now as an adult and a military vehicle owner myself, I'd love to find the current owner to see it again and share some of its history with them.

    Here it is in about 1993/1994 before the final restoration:



    I am planning on heading up to the Yorkshire Wartime Experience this year so if they can't be found online I'm hoping to bump into them there, though it is a stretch. If anyone knows who owns this or knows any other previous owners who might be able to point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.


  3. I'm starting work on restoring a cargo cover frame for my M1008, but I'm pretty sure the parts are painted with US military CARC paint, which contains lead and chromium.

    Don't really fancy sanding it off and polluting my driveway with the dust, and none of the watered down commercial paint strippers seem like they'd touch it. So I'd like to get it blasted off so I can do the rest of the work I need to do without having to worry about it.

    I've reached out to a few local places this afternoon for quotes, but while I wait I thought I'd ask here if anyone knows anywhere in the North Warwickshire area that would be happy to tackle it. I can find plenty of mobile companies that do lead paint removal for buildings, but nowhere with a fixed location that mention they'll do it.





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