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Posts posted by demic77

  1. If it's the same one the tank was parked at the entrance to the airfield at Samlesbury near the threshold of runway 11 and pretty much left to rot. When I was much younger and we were flying there with 635 VGS some Staff Cadets may have broken into it one foul weather day. We didn't cause any damage, the hatches were unlocked but very rusty, we levered one hatch open with a crowbar and had a nosey round it. Admittedly we tried pressing loads of buttons/levers to try and start it up but with no joy. in the end we hand cranked the turret and gun so it was pointed at our OC's office and then bailed, carried on with our boring rainy day. At the close of day debrief the boss said "Whoever pointed that tank cannon at my office better effing unpoint it sharpish before any more questions are asked". So we sneaked off and put the turret back to roughly where it was. Turret training mechanism consisted of what looked like car starter motors with hand cranks on the back of them., gearing was very low, took ages cranking to get any significant change of direction, in a war situation you'd have no chance with the electrics knocked out.

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