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Posts posted by Marines42

  1. Gents, I need to order a new fuel pump to install on my Pig but don't happen to be in a position to access my manual. Can one of you fine fellows help me by posting the Psi and gallons per hour stats for the stock fuel pump so that I can order one that is appropriate? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!:D

  2. I am suspecting now that my right front brake problem isn't a matter of adjustment but a matter of a seized wheel cylinder. Is this a common problem? I ordered a pair so I can replace it if needed. Anybody have experience with this problem?

  3. That is quite ironic.


    I do have the fuel tank, the previous owner removed it for cleaning. It would be quite a job to fabricate a proper fuel tank for a Ferret, its a work of art in its self. Not saying it can't be done, but it would have to be by the right guy and I would think it would be an expensive task.


    You can see the top of the tank in the photo below, behind the side bin. Happy to dig it out and take some good photos of it if you need them for reference.



    Just my luck. When I purchased the Canadian, it was already gone. Like yours, the wiring is totally screwed for the lighting and other parts. The brackets were also ground off of the inside of the escape hatches so it isnt possible to mount the jump seats or ammo bins. On the plus side, the interior is no frills and there is plenty of room to work. I am not familiar with all of the Canadian mods but mine has the M series lights on brackets. I also noted that it has a large 24 volt alternator in lieu of the generator set. It is fitted with a turret like a Mk 2 but I read in Clives book that they were not used in this configuration and it may well be an after service add on. I was looking at some pre-fabricated fuel cells to see if any of them may do the job but I need to make more measurements.

  4. Ironically, I also have a later model British service Ferret and an early Canadian Mk I that I am restoring just as you are. I see that yours is missing the original fuel cell as is mine. Are you going to manufacture a replacement or did you locate an original? If so, I would gladly pay you to fabricate one for me as well. It doesn't have to be exacting as long as it is functional. Let me know. Nice pictorial so far!

  5. Robin, sent you an email. Guys, I am leaning toward her original configuration but still don't know what to do about the fuel tank. I may have something fabricated locally to do the job. As far as that goes, I am not worried about harming the originality. The Canadians apparently did a lot of their own modding to it. Interestingly, the mounts on the escape hatches for seats or ammo cans have been ground off. That's a tad annoying but not the end of the world I suppose. On the plus side, since the interior is comparatively stripped, there is a lot of room to move around.

  6. Hey gents, I thought I would share a picture of my 2nd Ferret which is a Canadian. It's an early model with the square side visors. I know that Canadian Ferrets were not generally ever seen with a Mk 2 turret, this one has one and from the look of it has been on it a LONG time. It also came with the plate to mount the Browning on the open top in Mk 1 configuration. It runs cleanly but has a few issues. Namely, it is missing the primary fuel tank, brakes are out at the moment, and the wiring is a complete and total mess. Other than that, she is pretty clean and well off. A good starting point anyhow. Debating on taking the turret off and putting the original mount in place instead. Enjoy.

    Home visit 037.jpg

    Home visit 036.jpg

  7. Hmm - 423's don't - as a general rule - have turrets. This could be a slight block to your plans!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    Um yeah thanks but many were. Apparently you missed the earlier part of our conversation where I wanted a 432 WITH turret of which there are quite a few models. Armourgeddon has a ton of them in its own inventory. There are 4 models with gun/cannon turrets at least and thats not including the missile equipped models. Appreciate your chuckles though. Very helpful.


    - FV432 Basic APC

    - Command vehicle

    - Ambulance

    - Cargo carrier

    - Recovery vehicle

    - Wavell (ECM)

    - FV432 Infantry 81mm Mortar

    - 120mm Wombat

    - 84mm Infantry Gun

    - 7.62mm MG Turret (2 types)

    - 30mm Rarden Turret

    - Radar GS #14

    - Milan

    - FV432 Artillery FACE

    - Cymberline

    - FV432 Engineer Ranger (AP mine layer)

    - FV433 Abbot 105mm SPG

    - FV434 Carrier Maintenance

    - FV438 Swingfire launcher

    - FV439 Signals vehicle


  8. I tried that one on the missus that but she said I'd 'gone a bit Ray Mears' :-D


    Bit worried what you'd be using the MG turret for, some emergency!


    My thoughts keep returning to the MTLB/variants - tons made, run off a (big) truck engine and they even made a set of track with rubber inserts! Just need somewhere to put it...




    I have 2 Ferrets and a Pig in my collection and a genuine Browning 1919A4 to go with them. I am sure I could fit it into a 432 turret with a little tinkering :cool2: God Bless America.



  9. Robin,

    My Canadian Ferret is missing the fuel tank. There doesn't happen to be one in the jumble of spares is there? Mine has been fitted with a Mk2 Turret but to my joy and surprise, the plate with the Browning mount for it's original configuration was included with the vehicle. I am debating on whether or not to take the turret off...to my knowledge, the Canadians never used them. I wonder where it came from.

  10. Here is a picture of the "strap" that has been welded in place across 2 lugs on the offside of the hull. May have had ladder on it ? The link to the other thread is http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?t=171815


    or google "FERRETS USED IN THE GULF"


    Anybody got a strap like this on their ferret?



    I have an early production Canadian model that has this. I have no idea what purpose it serves.

  11. I own one of the old Canadian Ferrets myself. Its runs but is missing the fuel tank and has been jerry rigged to run on an external can which is very strange. Looks good but the wiring is also a mess. I am just getting started on it as I am finishing up my British one.

  12. ch5993, thanks to your diagram and photos I was able to complete my reassembly and my ferret is once again complete. I have a small problem with the brake dragging in the right front but once that is adjusted and I do some painting, she will be ready for the road. Thanks to all for help and advice.

  13. While I was home in the Summer from Iraq, I was busy finishing restoration on my Ferret so my Pig sat neglected for the most part. I went in one day to crank her up and immediately upon powering up, I heard a heavy vibration and ticking. It would turn over but I never did get her to crank. I had no problems cranking her up when I left home previously. She maybe sat for 3 months in a garage and with a nice warm outside temp. I put if off as the Ferret had me plenty busy. Any ideas gents?

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