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Posts posted by ashcrouch

  1. Hi men and women of the Historic Military Vehicle Forum;

    On the weekends of 20th-21st July and 14th-15th September we are having a Royal British Legion Charity Event at 4 Kingdoms Adventure Farm and wanted to get as many military vehicles to the event as possible so am asking members of the HMVF if they would like to bring their historic vehicles to our farm to participate in the event.

    During the weekend, we invite 600 veterans of the Royal British Legion and their families to our farm, with free entry, free food and free drink; so they can have a fantastic day at our farm; interact with our staff, see the animals and go on our rides. In addition to this we use the weekend to raise money for the RBL which is given to them in donations the following week. In all, in previous years, we have given around £15,000 to the RBL in donations and entry into the park.

    In addition to our own rides, animals and staff; we get historical re-enactments, display teams, and military vehicles into the farm to make the day more magical for the Royal British Legion and our paying guests. 

    If anyone would like to come to bring their vehicle to our RBL Charity Event at 4 Kingdoms Adventure Park then we'd really love to see you here.

    For the people who can bring their vehicle to the farm we are providing free entry for you and your immediate family, free food and free drink. If there is anything else you require then we can discuss this.

    Our address is:

    4 Kingdoms Adventure Farm
    Newbury Road
    RG19 8JY


    Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from all of you


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