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Africa Shell

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Posts posted by Africa Shell

  1. Hi Richard, 

    All being well I am taking my Bedford full cab MW in convoy with a friend and  his aero screen Bedford MW on the XXX Corps run this September. 

    From my memories of the 2019 event, I seem to remember full shower facilities were only available at 3 locations, the first marshalling location at Valkenswaard,  another at the American landing Zone outside of Nijmegen (after a number of days driving and washing in a bucket this was very welcome ) and one at the final marshalling yard south off Arnhem.  

    At all overnight stops there had good and very clean toilet facilities,  limited hot food usually burger vans or something similar. We took a petrol cooker and made our own food each night. As had been mentioned with the numerous stops  for town events, there are plenty of opportunities to grab some fresh food which we used to supplement a selection of tinned stews we brought with us. At most of the towns they laid on a bit of lunch and made us feel so welcome.

    As for uniform, everyone was in uniform for the whole period, but it relaxed for the evenings.                                                          We all went in battle dress, marked up as the 11th bridging unit RE, we took boots, gaiters, collarless shirts, tin hats and battle dress.  But tbh most guys were in overalls and unbadged, but everyone made an effort to stay in uniform and it was pretty impressive to see. Days were very hot, but the nights were very cold at times so bring a jumper or two.  lol

    The biggest thing we took away from it, was that some of the days are really long, 5am starts and not pulling into a lager point until 9 or 10pm. then it was set up camp, eat and getting your head down for the night work. so the key is work out how to get up your sleeping arrangements fast and make it simple. 

    For us we put our Bedford's back to back, put some scaffold boards between the two open tail gates and lashed a tarp over the top, this gave us a way to camp without the need for pegs into the ground. we could do this in 10mins by the end.


    Hope this helps I am no means experienced at tours, 2019 was my first so if anyone has any other advice that would be brilliant, and  I look forward to seeing you all there!




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  2. Thanks Richard, 

    Great tip thanks, my windscreen is my latest problem and project as the bottom channels have rotted out and are now in need of replacement, off to the fabricators to see if i can get something made up to replace them. 

    i was told to put a bead of clear silicon around my windows to prevent the next pair of bottom channels going the same way.

    its the simple things that really make a difference.

  3. Hi Everyone, 


    I should introduce myself to the collective as I’ve added a few posts online and haven’t really introduced myself to the group here so thought it  was time to sort that out.


    I'm Alan, hailing from the south east cast of the UK , I've always had a love of second world war history, and I've finally taken the plunge and done something about it. 

    As many of us will probably admit as a child I always wanted a tank, but as I’ve grown and understood the value of money I knew this was a unrealistic target,  i then started looking at jeeps, their practical (well as practical as 80 year old vehicles are ) can fit in a normal garage and parts are readily available, but for me they just didn’t have that spark. 

    In the last 2 years I’ve been part of a royal navy beach commando re-enactment group and that’s where I first got to really play with a ww2 vehicle, a 1938 Bedford aeroscreen, and well to be honest I fell in love with her. 

    I needed my own!

    With a lot of conversations and help from my very good friends, in November I took ownership of a 1942 Bedford MWD. Now it’s in the process of a major overhaul, I’m not calling it a restoration as she’s in very good condition, but she does need some TLC, and that’s what’s happening.

    I have spend many an hour fettling away rewiring her and sorting out surprising leaks and seized fittings.

    She is now running and I’m in the process of learning to drive again, having never had to double to declutch in my life!    

    Now if only i can get the windscreen wipers to wipe at the same speed. Its doing my OCD in!

    I want to already thank the other Bedford MW owners on here for the blogs of their own restorations they have helped me so much,   and everyone else for  all the fascinating posts and restorations going on in the world

    . thanks Alan 


    my bedford 2.jpeg

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  4. Thanks Pete and Chris,


    i tried using multiple o-rings and rubber tubing thinking modern materials would be better, but after many attempts and leaks i admitted defeat.

     In the end i got some replacements from chris morter as i needed some other bits from him anyway, and  the cork works perfectly. 

    ah well you live and learn 

    thanks again 



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  5. Thanks Nick, 

    Yes it is probable that it will  be a hoge podge of different parts, from multiple bedfords from many different locations.                                                                                                                                   The chassis number is the heart of the vehicle however, and the history is always useful. 

  6. Thanks Pete.

    My bedford is not in need of a nut and bolt restoration at this time,  nor do i have the facilities yet to carry one out, however she is going through a heavy overhaul.

    I'll be rubbing down the paint so I'll see what appears through the layers of paint in the comming weeks.  

    so  Z number confirmed by previous owner Z1613059

    chassis number 31248 

    1953 rebuild plate gives a post war registration of 22RA28

  7. Hello Everyone,

    I wish to trace the history of my Bedford MWD, I have a chassis number and Z number, and 1953 rebuild,  but would love to know where it may have been during its wartime service. 

    From the previous owner i know it was used by the Merionethshire Army Cadet Force after release from the army and they sold it in the early 60's 


    Where is the best place to look for this information? 


    Many thanks,




  8. Hi guys, 

    I've been overhauling my 1941 Bedford mwd and have had many amusing and frustrating nights with my fuel system, which involved badly corroded pipes and strategically embarrassing leaks.


    My next problem is my fuel taps, specifically the fuel shuttle valve with the two cork seals, now my original ones have come off intact, however after soaking to try and begin them back to life i have admitted defeat, and am looking for replacements seals  


    My question to the learned collective is does anyone know of a suitable replacement for these cork seals ? 

    I was thinking of using lengths if rubber tubbing ? 



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