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Posts posted by ijdo

  1. Thanks a lot for the info guys!

    The yellow circle and number might indeed be Dutch. This British signs you discribe should be larger.

    Also, the type of lettering used for the number is often seen on Dutch vehicles.


    Good of intel on the contractnumber too! Strange result though. This vehicle has probably been in Holland quite soon after WW2. Dispite the Irene Brigade having 10 on strength on paper, they were never actually put in service. For obvious reasons in presume........:D

    maybe this goes for the number too? First alocated to India on paper, but actually sent to NL?


    i will post some more photos this week.



  2. Dear all,

    it's been a few years (...) since i was active on this forum, so i'll give a quick re-introduction;

    Martin IJdo, 43, Holland. Was very active in MV restoration, untill i decided to turn my hobby in to work.

    Net result: no more time for hobby. ;-)

    Anyway, at the moment we at Historic Engineering (www.historicengineering.com) are working on a rare beast: Standard Beaverette Mk.IV. This actually belongs to the Dutch National Military Museum, and is to be restored by us to full running condition. As far as i have been able to determine, this is the most complete one of 3 or 4 Mk.IV's world wide (please correct me if i'm wrong).

    some images on our FB page here: https://www.facebook.com/historic.engineering.nl/


    While we have most of the technical bits sorted, we have started grinding through the present coat of paint, result of a "restoration" many moons ago. Just like the majority of work we do on MV's and canon, this too is above all a matter of un-doing a bad restoration. In this case bizarly enough, the original scheme of black MM camo over service brown had been painted over by brown MM camo over almost bright green. At least they managed to follow the MM scheme exactly....

    While sanding we have untill now come accross an original WD number on the rear LH corner (Yipee!!!). On the front however i found a marking which i can not place, and was hoping for one of you British MV bufs to tell me more about.

    It is on the top LH corner of the front armour, with the letter about 3 inches high, similar to the hight of the yellow encircled number 183:



    any info on this marking is more than welcome!

    many thanks,




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