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Skip Distance

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Posts posted by Skip Distance

  1. Richard,

    Here's how to obtain a copy of the pamphlet which andym mentioned (reposted from my reply from the power distribution box thread)

    ,For a complete reference for Clansman equipment search online for 'UK PRC 320 infantry signal training pdf',  the search results should include a link called 'File: UK-PRC 320 Infantry Signal Training pdf - RadioNerds' which is the Infantry Signal Training Pamphlet 41 Part 4 Equipment and its Operation (Clansman) which covers radios and ancillaries, batteries and chargers, basic vehicle installation and harness, test kits, antennas and masts.'

    It's all you really need for basic testing, in addition to the tables inside TKC lid, and test frequencies - let me know what radios you have and I will provide these. Note that TKC tests require transmission on these frequencies so you'll need to check that they don't contravene any radio licensing requirements.

    In services use the TKC required annual calibration and also a calibrated  'Working Radio' to  validate the tests.. I note from the label on your TKC that it appears to have once belonged to the Equipment Care Inspection Team so should be in good order!

  2. Thanks Richard

    Has it got a 90 amp alternator under the bonnet? If it has then it is a 24 volt FFR.

    For basic reference on FFRs (assuming it's a Defender) have a look at chapters 1-2, 2-2 and 3-2 in Army Equipment Support Publication 2320-D-122-201 Operating Information Land Rover 90/110/127 - which you can search online for as a PDF document which has been published under a Freedom of Information Request.

    For a complete reference for Clansman equipment search online for 'UK PRC 320 infantry signal training pdf',  the search results should include a link called 'File: UK-PRC 320 Infantry Signal Training pdf - RadioNerds' which is the Infantry Signal Training Pamphlet 41 Part 4 Equipment and its Operation (Clansman) which covers radios and ancillaries, batteries and chargers, basic vehicle installation and harness, test kits, antennas and masts.

  3. 'G.T' means 'Gurkha Troops', so it's a ration which was produced specifically to cater for the tastes and possibly the religious requirements of Gurkhas, presumably serving with the British Army going by the box and some of the contents which are similar to those supplied in British Army 24-hour ration packs of the 1960s and 1970s.

    Beyond that I'm afraid that I don't know anything about the pack.

  4. They are both Power Distribution Boxes 'PDB', but the one in the upper photo (NSN ending 9550) is a PDB 3-Way for use in 24 volt Fitted For Radio 'FFR' vehicles, whereas the one in the lower photo (NSN ending 9888) is a PDB GS for use in 12 volt General Service vehicles with 'clip-in' manpack radio fits.

    The PDB 3-Way - so called as it has 3 x 2-pin sockets each with its own fuse holder - was the most common PDB for 24 volt FFR vehicles, Mounted on dexian racking using two bolts, nuts, washers and spacers through two holes on either a woven belting mount or a solid plate mount fitted to its rear, it may have a short earth lead which is also bolted onto the dexian. It obtains its supply from a pair of the red and black screw headed terminals on the batten box through the red/brown and blue hook-ended lugs. Generally it powers Clansman VRC radios and secure speech equipment directly, and PRC Ni-Cad radio batteries through a 28 volt Direct Current Charging Unit 'DCCU'  but it can also be used for any Clansman ancillary or other item like the penthouse/map reading lights which are 24-32 volt supply rated.

    The Power Distribution Box GS (lower photo) only has a single 2 pin socket with a fuse, and is usually permanently mounted on the rear of the cargo area bulkhead (opposite side to the driver and passenger seats) and earthed to the vehicle chassis. It obtains its supply from the vehicle's electrical system..Its primary purpose is to supply a 14 volt DCCU used to charge/float charge a Clansman  manpack Ni-Cad radio battery.

    I hope this helps, but feel free ask if you need more clarification.

  5. Thank you for your reply Simon - no need to apologize.

    Yes, on seeing your latest pictures I now recall the D-rings on those used by the Hong Kong Regiment. I neglected to mention this in my post - that their rucksacks were manufactured using a material which I believe to be Rhodesian Brushstroke                        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesian_Brushstroke

    This probably is because they were commercially manufactured and this was the only camouflaged material available at the time, or that they were made by a Rhodesian manufacturer. I have just performed an image search, and whilst some Rhodesian packs have similar fittings and webbing to this pack, there are none identical to it.

    Are there no manufacture's stamps anywhere on yours?

  6. Thank you Clive, as ever your knowledge astounds


    Thank you Andy for the pricing guide.


    I recall with the advent of BATCO destroying my unit's stock of SLIDEX wallets, cursors, and cards, but seem to remember there being a problem as I was told that SLIDEX would still be in use on formation nets until the introduction of another code - FORMCO - which never materialized.

  7. Dear All,


    I hoping that someone could provide the approximate age and value of a SLIDEX holder complete with two cursors and a card.


    The background to this request is that I bought some kit, but I wasn't aware that it formed part of the sale (the seller was aware), and I'm sure that the price paid doesn't account for these items, so I want to ensure that the seller is properly paid.


    The wallet is in good condition and is stamped bottom right with: 'Wt 3689 1-994 8/44 60,000 P.G.P' Rear is marked in cream paint with 'C/S 2'.


    The card is marked 'Ops/Sigs No 1 Series A C.S.H 31203'


    Cursors are red-tipped and still retain hand-written plain text.


    Please note at this time I'm only seeking information as it not for sale.


    Thank you for any help you are able to give.

  8. Should a needle and thread for sutures be part of the kit?

    I read about the Dutch troops have had copper sulfate bandages for treatment of phosphorus burns.



    You could use a suture kit if you knew how to use it and could clean the wound properly. Suturing was something that we left to the medics; for a temporary fix steri-strips (butterfly closures) or a dressing was used.


    I've heard of copper sulfate/suiphate treatment, but this wasn't available so we used a wet first field dressing which was keep wet.

  9. Simon


    It was generally encouraged, and sometimes enforced through SOPs, that you carried some form of individual first aid kit in addition to First Field/Shell Dressing(s). For most troops none was issued, so you either made your own or bought a commercial kit.


    To give you an idea of extensive first aid kit carried I’ve provided two SOP lists from infantry courses. Outside of these most just carried some plasters/fabric backed plaster strip, ‘pain killers’, antiseptic cream and a crepe bandage for minor injuries, and zinc oxide tape for blister prevention or treatment. Note these lists don’t include any bandages or smaller dressings as they would be in the section medic bag or vehicle first aid kit, but you could always add these along with any personal medication to your kit. Items for specific environments such as jungle, arctic, or NBC were listed separately.


    This list is taken from an SOP entitled ‘Patrol Equipment’ (provenance unknown) which was I was required to obtain for a JNCO cadre in the early eighties:


    a. Adhesive plasters

    b. Panadol

    c. Lomotol

    d. Senokot

    e. Scalpel blades

    f. Steri-strips

    g. Savlon


    The SOP states that these should be carried in a pouch (unspecified in the SOP - we were told to use a spare 58 pattern water bottle pouch) along with other items listed as ‘survival kit' as part of CEFO.


    This list is taken from the mid-eighties Senior Brecon SOP ‘Pl. Sgt: ‘Admin in the Field’ - Equipment Carriage’. Items a. –c. were basic first aid kit to be carried in the ‘rear pouches’ (either ‘conventional kidney’ or ‘any number of other pouches’):


    a. Elastoplasts

    b. Antiseptic cream

    c. Painkilling tablets


    Suggested additional items from this list were:


    d. Crepe bandage

    e. Scalpel

    f. Senokot

    g. Lomotil

    h. Space blanket

    i. Triangular bandage

    j. Mucous extractor ? !

    k. Tweezers


    Although not on the SOP lists above additional items to treat minor ailments could be carried, for example: Dioralyte powders, Proplus tablets, treatments for colds and athlete’s foot, antihistamine tablets/cream, Vaseline, (to prevent chaffing), etc. I carried two kits - essential 'first aid' items in CEFO, and less essential 'medical' items in the bergan. Those carrying tobacco tin survival kits may have packed plasters, pain killers, alcohol swabs, potassium permanganate crystals, etc. in them.


    I used a small heavy duty plastic bag or some form of container, for example an elastoplast upright tin or small Tupperware box to store the kits.


    Companies such as Survival Aids (of Penrith), BCB and Fighting Fit produced commercial military-style first aid kits the contents of which were similar to those sold today i.e. without oral medications, so you would need to add these.


    If your role required it (pilots/special forces/surveillance and target acquisition) you could be issued a ‘Medical Kit, Individual Treatment’ and also a ‘Medical Kit, Individual Treatment, Supplementary’. If you want the content lists for these I can provide, but these weren’t on general issue.


    Hope this answers your question, but let me know if clarification or addition information is required.

  10. Simon,


    This pack is shown on page 36 of Simon Howlett’s book British Post-War Jungle Webbing and he notes that: ‘The haversack is an experimental type based on the normal 44 pattern haversack and produced in both webbing and nylon material... there are no markings to determine origin or manufacturer, although owner names written on the reverse indicate previous UK service use.’


    I’ve seen the same pattern of pack, manufactured in a nylon camouflage material with fawn-coloured webbing straps, used by the Hong Kong Regiment in the late eighties. I'm not sure if it was 'issue kit' or a local purchased by the unit. It was however on individual issue as they refused to trade one on this basis.

  11. Hello fellow HMVF members,


    Thank you for accepting a long-time lurker as a new member to a fantastic resource.


    Joining to share my knowledge to hopefully assist in furthering understanding of forum members and readers.


    Interests are British Combat Net Radio post 1970s and British Army clothing and personal equipment from WW2 on.

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