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Posts posted by Fenick

  1. But, taking into account the comment - what would you change? Not having to manage such a huge logistic enterprise, I would hate to comment - but.. What about a fenced off circuit going through the site that anybody exhibiting can join and drive around as and when? We, the public get to see a selection of MVs drive past, the exhibitors get to drive around without having to dodge the public. Just a thought and a way to deal with the huge site.


    sounds like a top idea to me :)

  2. hi everyone, i'm down south in the new forest and just saying my hello's. No military vehicles as yet (life times ambition is to own a quad ever since I had a dinky toy of one when I was about 7 ... we can all dream :)) been collecting the odd bit of memorabilia over the years but mainly cap badges. and have a strange hobby of photographing all the pill boxes and bunkers I can find as I was going to make a book , but that'll probably never happen.... so I have about 300 different photos laying about. i'll keep you posted if I ever get a vehicle .. cheers Russ (ps. sry if its a second post as I messed up on the first one!)

  3. great thread :) I see you got the limber from Australia. I saw a couple of derelict Quads while I was over there on holiday last year in some village about 3 hours north of Perth, dread to think of the import casts :/ looking forward to seeing it completed :)

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