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Posts posted by PostieDave

  1. Hi all I have been restoring my QLD for five years now and have reached the body building stage. Most of my info has been gained from Guy66's, very helpful restoration blog.   However,  I am missing a few measurements and need to know the dimensions of the rear wheel arches. By measuring photos, I think the step up in the bodywork is about 9inches (22.86cm for youngsters) but would like confirmation and the length is dictated by the placement of the crossmembers.

    I also need to know the depth, the wheel arch goes in towards the chassis and the size of the angle that runs along the top of the body sides as it looks a smaller profile than the bottom rail in Guys blog.  As I have no QLs near me to go measure and with COV19,no shows are on, so I'm a bit stuck.

    Thanks  for any Info Dave


  2. Hi all

    My name is Dave from the Colchester area of Essex. I recently became the proud owner of a ex Royal Navy QLD. From what we can gather it spent its service life around Chatham as the engine was refurbed there. Although its my first military vehicle I have been around them for a while through reenactment. I have plenty of help and advice as Im in a group of chaps that have long had military vehicles. Having said that none of them has a QL so if there is a QL owner local to me that would be open to letting me measure and photograph their Baby for missing parts or constructing the bits of cab rust has eaten it would be very helpfull.

    Cheers Dave

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