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.. People in the back



I maybe stupid, but......


Are you allowed to carry people in the back of your Dodge or GMC when drive on public roads?


In the Netherlands it's forbidden, people may only be carried on seats specially installed for the transportation of persons. Benches in the back of my Dodge WC51 do not count as such :(

24 answers to this question

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Are you allowed to carry people in the back of your Dodge or GMC when drive on public roads?


In the Netherlands it's forbidden, people may only be carried on seats specially installed for the transportation of persons. Benches in the back of my Dodge WC51 do not count as such :(


I would be surprised if you could. Even way back when, drivers of troop-carrying 4 ton Bedfords required a separate TCV licence (or at least a test?) over and above the normal HGV.

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How about in my Humber pig? as it has bench seats and no seat belts at all?


does that mean i can carry the 10 stated for what the vehicle was designed for



I'd personally seek legal clarification before you did.


Even in the 1970s, Scorpions were retrofitted with seatbelts. Don't ask if anybody wore them.


I'll posit that your legal position is not cut and dried and the opinion of anybody here will only be hearsay.

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Suppose the argument could be that they are no longer in Crown service so ordinary rules apply!

As another example - vehicles in Crown service (read military of any arm) are officially exempt from all tolls etc. We used to carry toll warrants pointing this out and saying that as a concession H.M.G. would pay the toll even though it was not required. If we never had a warrant we would stop and xplain this to the toll operators personnel then carry on without paying - they would (if they were so inclined - contact the MOD and request payment. Try getting away with that now :D:D

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Within the last two years here, we have been banned from carrying passengers in the rear of vehicles, which don't have seats fitted with seatbelts.


On our ANZAC Day parades where veterans are carried in the back of our ex military vehicles, special dispensation is applied for and given, but these vehicles travel are limited to a walking pace.




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Strange one as you can carry people in the back of farm trailers........unless that too has changed.


This has changed in the Netherlands after an accident where a number of kids died who where in the back off a farm trailer....

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In the UK you ARE permitted to carry passengers in the back of your Dodge or GMC etc, as long as you have the relevant insurance. Otherwise we would have prosecuted numerous times. :lol:


We have travelled the Pyrenees and back with one of our Jimmy's, with passengers in the back.


They were built to carry passengers and that is what they are used for.


Shame you can't in Holland or Australia. :cry:


Are there any other countries where you can't carry passengers ?




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How about in my Humber pig? as it has bench seats and no seat belts at all?


does that mean i can carry the 10 stated for what the vehicle was designed for





I would say that aslong as your insurance covers you for X amount of passengers, then you are legally allowed to carry passengers.




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But isn't your pig registered as a minibus? Mine are, so by definition one would expect to carry passengers. But I note that one now has a new V5C which omits reference to minibus.


I don't think I will challenge it for now as the forms have been going in backwards & forwards when I change the weight & colour. The system can't cope with two types of change it seems. They keep putting the weight as the engine capacity & when that is changed correctly the colour seems to change :roll:


Although this takes the biscuit, I recently found that my insurers have decided that the 2 Shorlands, 2 Pigs & Hornet have all miraculously become made in 1960 & powered by 200cc engines :roll: Where did they get that idea from I don't know?

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I do not know if it legal to carry passengers in the back here in the states but I do know that when you own a vehicle here, you do not have to put seatbelts on the vehicle if it did not come out of the factory with them. I heard of someone here that registered his DUKW as a boat and a limousine and he was able to carry passengers in it on the road (I'm not sure if he had to put seatbelts in it or not as it is my understanding that limousines require seatbelts to be fitted.)

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You do not need seat belts if the vehicle was made without them,

after a certain date you need seat belts and also to wear them,

also before a date which I can not remember you do not need

them fitted for a MOT test I think this date was in the 60's but if

fitted to say a 40's vehicle they have to be working and also you

must wear them at all times elae Mr Plod can give you a ticket


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I always used to drive my Jimmy around with basically the whole child population of my town in the back, drove past a few police cars and nobody said anything.

I know that if you own a vintage bus you can only carry a maximum of 8 passengers.(I think.) I'm not sure if this would apply to other vehicles or not.

Cheers, mick.

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Isn't there a stipulation on your driving licence which limits the amount of passengers you can carry?

I think it comes back to these "B" and "C1" categories limits again.


I seem to remember that if you only have a "B" licence you can't (legally) drive even a Land Rover 110 Station Wagon if it has a center seat in the front as it would then seat 10 ( I think :shock: ). But if it hasn't got the center seat it only seats 9 and then can be driven on a "B" licence.


Has anyone looked at their driving licence to see if it says anything about this?




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I passed my test in dec 2004 and im limited to what i can drive, i only have a cat B license and i states im only allowed too have 8 passengers. But the insurance only allows me to take up to 7 for some reason.


Do other peoples insurance companys limit them to them about of passengers?


Best Reagrds



  • 0
I maybe stupid, but......


Are you allowed to carry people in the back of your Dodge or GMC when drive on public roads?


In the Netherlands it's forbidden, people may only be carried on seats specially installed for the transportation of persons. Benches in the back of my Dodge WC51 do not count as such :(


Yet another reason for me to want to buy a Command Car...

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Whilst we may be covered by insurance and it may be legal to carry people in the back of vehicles it could all end in tears if the vehicles are not fitted with seatbelts and an accident occurs. The insurance co. may try to use this in the case of a personal injury claim to reduce any payment, if this were the to happen there then arises the possibility of being sued personally.






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Whilst we may be covered by insurance and it may be legal to carry people in the back of vehicles it could all end in tears if the vehicles are not fitted with seatbelts and an accident occurs. The insurance co. may try to use this in the case of a personal injury claim to reduce any payment, if this were the to happen there then arises the possibility of being sued personally.





Not an aspect of MV ownership thats likely to cross my path but...

Surely if you are going to carry passengers in a vehicle not equipped with front or rear facing seats and belts and you have told those riding there that this is the case and that they ride at their own risk you would be covered in such an eventuality????


Also - lets be honest - the way most MV's are constructed a whack up the backside is going to be negligible. I was driving a RL through East London many years ago when it was hit up the backside by an old CA van - not one of the people in the back were harmed yet the CA hit hard enough that the towing pintle on the RL was in between the front seats.....

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Strange one as you can carry people in the back of farm trailers........unless that too has changed.


I raise an eyebrow at that. You are definitely NOT allowed to carry passengers in caravans and even we the military weren't allowed to carry passengers in any towed vehicle we possessed.

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Agricultural vehicles of all types seems exempt from most things unless you really know your stuff. You only have to look at the number of quads(not military gun tractors) that are used on the roads with little regard for any traffic regs.

Coupled with the other ability to build almost anything that doesnt match the surrounding countryside with little or no planning permission because its use is agricultural. (oops sorry Im getting a bit wound up). Yet there is a reported case in Durham of a Guy who had a shed on his own ground housing two or thre Military vehicles. that the local party faithful decided had to come down or apply for change of use that the obviously werent going to Grant :evil:

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