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Where do you store your MV if you can't keep it at home?

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I've been wondering where people keep there MVs if they are either too big to keep in a person's garage or safely parked on their front drive. I own a Land Rover Lightweight which is OK to park on the street where I live but I also fancy getting a Dodge WC51 / 55. As the family car is on the drive and I do not have a garage, it would not be advisable to keep a Dodge outside in all weathers or on the road!


I've seen adverts for historic vehicle storage but they cost too much, so are there any other options. Do people rent barns for not much money? And what about museums like the IWM at Duxford. Do they allow people to store vehicles.


No wonder the larger the MV the lower the price (unless it has tracks!)


I would be interested in your ideas on this subject.


Close to my house there is a guy who has a huge caravan storage and I asked him if I could store my Dodge there. Which was no problem so for € 300 a year my Dodge is stored safe and dry.


My Dodge is sitting outside under a Tarp.

I live next to the riverdyke and behind the houses is a sort of cul de sac where only residents and visitors park.


Not ideal because to go for a drive I need to remove the tarp and the ponchos which protect the paint from the chaving of the tarp.

A garage would be cool cause its get in, drive, park and shut the door.

Also returning in the rain would be less of a problem.


With the tarp a spontanious drive is to much hassle.

We do drive summer and winter; without a top.


I store my Ferret in the ultimate of all sheds......A forty year old chicken shed.....I know it doesn't sound brilliant but it keeps the rain off it(ish) and yes..It has electric! You see before we had any kids I used to go shooting a lot, I gradually got to know many local farmers so if I need any storage I just go and ask them.

Cheers, Mick.


So Jack do you have to pay much for the use of the barn. Perhaps its yours? I've heard of members getting together with the idea to buy a barn but as they seem to be the same price asa house in some parts of the UK I doubt whether it will come to much!


Which reminds me - if the UK DVLC or what ever they are called now wishes to record where the vehicle in kept in their records, how does anyone explain to them that it may not be the same location the licence holders home address?

Which reminds me - if the UK DVLC or what ever they are called now wishes to record where the vehicle in kept in their records, how does anyone explain to them that it may not be the same location the licence holders home address?


The DVLC only want to know where the vehicle is stored / parked, if SORN is declared, and as most of our mv's are on Historic and 12 months, there is little point in putting them on SORN.





A few days ago we were driving through a large, new housing development, where the houses are crammed in, and the driveway is only just big enough to park a push bike on, and was saying how terrible it would be to live somewhere like that if you were in to Military Vehicles.

We're lucky, we have several acres and good neighbours who like ( or rather don't mind) our "toys". Our only limiting factor on how many vehicles we have is the funds to buy them in the first place :cry: .


If money was no option we'd love to build a massive "shed" so we could store other peoples MV's at sensible rates.


On the point of taxing and SORN, I was surprised at this years War & Peace how many vehicles that had tax disc's well out of date even though the were "NIL Duty". I love to go and get my :lol: FREE :lol: tax disc ( it's the only free thing you'll get off this government) and I wonder why some people don't bother to get theirs? :?




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