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Is Yours Full?


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Along with a lot of MV drivers, I keep a jerry can strapped on somewhere. Tis a Ferret so it's on the nearside rear mudguard.

What is the concensus of members about keeping them full?

Mine always has been, just in case I ran out but thinking about it, someone may nick it for the contents. It is likely to cause more paintwork damage by rubbing and it may spill or fall off when driving over rough ground.

They do afterall have a fuel gauge with a large tank, so what do you all do?


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I carry two 3/4 full cans of diesel on the WLF as well as a full 5-litre petrol can 'cos it's much easier to just give someone a top-up than tow them. I keep a diesel can in the 110 and have a 5l petrol one in the MUTT. Running out of fuel is very embarassing - trust me I've been there several times - and it's not always as simple as just keeping an eye on the gauge. I would always make sure any cans with fuel in are well strapped down or secured in holders.

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someone may nick it for the contents. It is likely to cause more paintwork damage by rubbing and it may spill or fall off when driving over rough ground.



All major considerations of the Army when they were in use!!:cool2:


Just dont put it on if you are bothered, as i know from experience with other vehicles that every bracket and strap didnt have its piece of kit in place, in service vehicles look well used but serviceable, invariably with most of its gear removed unless required, i think too many people get hung up with having to have every single item ever listed in a manual.

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Just keep both tanks reasonably well full, on the bedford;.............there's no space for mounting extra can, anyways;............and before someone (D. Ives, :)) says it,.....yes, I have run out although only on one tank, and had to get out and change supply over,............:whistle:

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yes, I have run out although only on one tank, and had to get out and change supply over,............:whistle:


I ran out once outside Worcester Cathedral in a Ferret, was about 7pm on a Friday night and although I always carry a full can .... I hadn't got it with me this time :argh:

Then i realised all I had to do was switch over to the reserve tank and continue to the next POL stop.... :red:

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I ran out once outside Worcester Cathedral in a Ferret, was about 7pm on a Friday night and although I always carry a full can .... I hadn't got it with me this time :argh:

Then i realised all I had to do was switch over to the reserve tank and continue to the next POL stop.... :red:




:-D Just goes to show, we're still HUMAN........:)

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I also have a Ferret, I usually run on the left side of the tank, and do a visual before I set off.

Occassionally run it on the right just to empty out any stale fuel that may be hanging about...although I am sure that is not neccessary as it would swoosh about when you fiull up anyhow.

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Actually most people in my street think that my MV runs on special fuel rather than unleaded, which helps people leave it alone. Perhaps you could stop your Jerrycan being nicked, when its on your vehicle, by marking it up with a tag to say 'Combat Gas' or 'low octane MV use only' which would make some opportunist theft think twice.

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