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Sprocket drive from a german halftrack?

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my name is Toni, im from Germany, living in the area between Frankfurt and Würzburg.


I found two of these "wheels" - I think theyre sprockets /driving wheels from a german halftrack - but I couldnt find any verhicle thats fits 100%.


The wheel has red, grey and sandcolored remains on it, it was found on a "vehicle collection point" near Frankfurt, where verhicles from the Wehrmacht, but also from wrecked US tanks or other verhicles were collected, to get srcaped later , or when useful for civilians, repaired and reissued.


Maybe someone can help me identify the wheels here?


Thank you and have a nice time :)


greetings Toni



Edited by Mainfranken
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Hello Toni,

Welcome to HMVF.

I do not see these as sprockets. They are too simple and the 'teeth' have not been worn to that shape and would certainly not drive anything as they are too shallow. Also the bolt holes are too near the outside so what they were bolted to would interfere with the track. I see them as spacers, possibly between double wheels, or as a reinforcing disk between the wheel nuts and a wheel to prevent fatigue cracking of the wheel.

They do look rather low- tech to be WW2 German, but I don't recognize them as either US or British armoured vehicle parts of that period either. Hopefully someone will make a suggestion.


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Hello David,


thanks for your answer, your opinion makes sense. It could theoretically also be a loot vehicle, we also had French, Czech and Russian parts of vehicles or artillery there ...It will be difficult to find out where it belongs....

First we thought it would be a farming machine, but the red,grey and sandcolors say clearly Wehrmacht.


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I will clean them this week, they were in rainwater for 2 weeks , to soak.


We found lots of these parts next to the wheels, theyre massive and heavy. Maybe they can help ...


Of course they could be from another vehicle, but who knows... The scale in in centimeter


greetings Toni
















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The big disks and the cast lugs with the single holes look like what the Americans call "Dayton" wheel components, like the cast centre in the image below with six of the bolt-on lugs at the end of the spokes.  Yours may be trailer wheel centres or spacers for that sort of rim.

Lay one of the big disks down and put one of those lugs over each of the ten bolt holes to get a rough idea if they would fit.


Edited by Gordon_M
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Some new photos, the "red dots"  are painted on a flat cirular surface -  about 22mm


There is also some letters - I think its french " côté opposé" and something like 31 or 81 BAX  or "BIBAX"

at the bottom are some numbers, but hard to read. côté opposé means "opposite side"

The other one has no visible markings.

So it seems to be french...








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