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Universal Carrier Track


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been in this hobby since the late 1970s.

The subject of reproduction carrier track has come up countless times over the years.

Every time it is yeah, yeah, everyone wants some.

Right up to the moment that they are asked to pony up the deposit so that the proposer(s) knows how many owners are actually dinkum and will put their hands in their wallets so that he can calculate a price based on efficiency of scale of production.

Every time the whole arrangement collapses due to lack of commitment of the buyers.

I can only conclude that there either most carriers are hardly ever driven or that they are all running around on worn out track.

Given that the track had a usable life of 500 miles and that I have yet to hear of anyone discovering a cache of NOS track for either British or Aussie/New Zealand carriers sooner or later a batch will have to be produced. But given the "track" record  of willing buyers, it won't be me bank rolling the event.

US Halftrack owners seem to be a very different breed and have organised, produced and taken delivery of new made track. Given the difference in technology, theirs was the more difficult project. So it can be done, it just takes motivated buyers.


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