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Canadian Fargo exhaust manifold


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Hello all, my name is Paul and I'm from The Netherlands. I'm restoring a 1945 civilian Fargo FL 4-60 truck and I liked to ask your help on this problem I have. Point is I need a new exhaust manifold but for some reason this seems impossible to find here. I know some people who have one but most of them even don't answer my e-mail. Others say they will have a look but that is where the story ends............

I wonder if there is anybody of you military people who knows where I could find such a Canadian manifold?

Many thanks, Paul.

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On 3/22/2020 at 2:20 PM, paulus said:

Hello all, my name is Paul and I'm from The Netherlands. I'm restoring a 1945 civilian Fargo FL 4-60 truck and I liked to ask your help on this problem I have. Point is I need a new exhaust manifold but for some reason this seems impossible to find here. I know some people who have one but most of them even don't answer my e-mail. Others say they will have a look but that is where the story ends............

I wonder if there is anybody of you military people who knows where I could find such a Canadian manifold?

Many thanks, Paul.

Paul is you truck a right or left hand drive version?

I'm looking for a right hand drive exhaust manifold for a Canadian D15  ( outlet to the front for right hand drive trucks to clear the steering box) so far I'm having the same problems as you and have not had any luck sourcing one.


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3 hours ago, paulus said:

Pete, I have a left hand drive truck. I'm afraid the manifolds for the right hand drive trucks are even more difficult to find.

Succes and regards, Paul.

Thanks for the reply Paul, 

yes I'm finding it is very difficult to track down a RH drive manifold, there must be one out there somewhere.it will just take time to find it.



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Hi Pete, according to my friend in Australia these manifolds are very rare and extremely hard to find. He also told me there are 6 or 7 different models, and the best choice if you can find it is the model with the outlet roughly at the level of the second piston. If the outlet is on the front the heat can cause problems with your fuel pump (vapour lock). The partnumber of such a manifold is 1122472. Someone I know in the US recommended "Vic's Dodge Garage", he seems to have rare parts sometimes, perhaps you can try him if you did not already.

Succes, Paul.

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