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Registering a Vehicle that has never been Registered



On my travels during the Autumn, I came across a WW2 vehicle that I am interesting in purchasing  to restore (notice that I'm not saying what or where for obvious reasons). According to the old chap that owns it, it was bought from one of the Ruddington sales and worked in a local gravel quarry until it was laid up in the early 1980s. He bought it with the intention of restoring it but never got round to it. It has never been road registered.

This got me thinking about the process of registering a vehicle of that age that has never had any paperwork. I have had a look on the internet and, frankly, my head is still spinning. I get the MVT verification bit - I have done that myself with other vehicles, its the HMRC bit that has me confused - it would seem that they have to be informed and provide an exemption certificate before DVLA will consider registration (even if it has never been out of the country). Exactly what process should I be considering?

Can anyone point me in the right direction on this one, I would be very grateful!

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The MVT have recently suspended verification until they get clarification from DVLA as to their guidelines to registering a previously unregistered vehicle.

This is a bit of a long shot, but does the current owner have a receipt from Ruddington or even the catalogue with the lot marked?

It may be an idea to ring DVLA, the odd time that I have rung them they have been very helpful.

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You first need to send a letter to:

HM Revenue & Customs

Personal Transport Unit

Building 22, Priory Court

St. Johns Road


CT17 9SH

Give all the detail you can about your purchase including chassis number and as much of its history as you can, if they are satisfied they will issue you a NOVA number which will satisfy the DVLA that there is no VAT to pay.


Best regards


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Possibly it would help ,  find the chassis No.  better still the MOD  -  VRM  if still plated ,  I think you will then be able to make some  'initial'  RLC  on-line searches £ free yourself.  Or contact the RLC Museum , they may be able to turn out more than the Ruddington disposal date for catalogue.   There is the odd specialist searcher who can do much / all of the above + additional.  for a £ near to RLC search.

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Firstly, my apologies for the delay in responding. I couldn't get on to the website for some reason and have been away with work.

Thanks to everyone who responded. I've got some useful leads to pursue. I had heard about the Dover connections as being useful so its great to get a direct contract.

Thanks for the help and wish me luck!


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