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Norton 16H paint


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Francois Bonjour ,

Pour ma part je suis partie d'un échantillon prélevé sur ma Norton sur une partie qui n'était pas exposée a la lumière , j ai donc travaillé avec la bonne nuance  d'origine .Je suis partie d'un vert otan , et fait ajouté quelques couleurs jaune noir ext , pour arriver finalement a la teinte voulue  ...j'ai maintenant une couleur qui varie selon la lumière , passant d'un marron très foncé au un vert caki , en moyenne la teinte est proche du thé au lait  !!!

restauration 16h wd 1940 005.jpg

restauration 16h wd 1940 006.jpg

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I have been around bikes My entire life . Riding in sidecars as a child and then migrating to The back of a bike ..and as soon as I was big enough riding an excelsior consort in the garden and fields . I still have the excelsior and am aware the paint colour has visually changed ..I believe darkening ....most of the bike was repainted by me when I was 14 or 15 when original paints were still available but I found they did not match the original paint so we to to a local body shop who mixed a matching batch ... I remember it did not appear perfect at the time but has matched in with age ...

I still have original paintwork on the headlamp so match to that ...I would personally recommend matching to paint samples on the bike...


P.s all my vehicles have the patina i think their age deserves ..I do admire the out of the factory bikes i see but personally am drawn to the warhorse that look their age ...my jeep which served in the Pacific has bullet holes the GIs intentionally   shot in the floor and rear tool boxes to let the water out ..plus a few others which give the vehicle it's character and history ...



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This is Khaki Green No.3  on an area which had been formed an airtight compartment on the back of the brake drum on my '39 16H.  The colour oxidises as well as fades and was quite a goose-shit green when unexposed. and less brown than it often appears on older samples.

It is characteristic of the colour that it can pass through many shades of green and brown depending on lighting, angle and adjacent objects.


 Bearing in mind the fragmentation damage to the bike, there is a good chance that this is original 1940s mud too :-)


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79 x100 A great photo and example of the original paint and it's colour today . Had the bike retained its original paintwork it is likely to have changed to this colour all over today and as such it you were looking for a bike showing its age then colour matching to this would be a great option.

But in truth I don't mind any restoration ..just love to see the bikes


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