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I have registered a few vehicle over the last 15 years but this one has been an annoying  sarga


I contacted DVLA to see what DOCUMENTS they required.

I sent ALL that they  stated including vehicle history and a letter from the tank museum stating its age

It was rejected on proof on AGE and they lost my bill of sale 


I rang the DVLA stating that the tank Museum was the authority on the vehicle and had a letter stating the age of the vehicle. They also wanted a letter from me to state its age so it was sent with all the documents It was rejected again on AGE and they now want a NOVA  and have changed  the hull Number/chassis Number to the army registration Number


Got the NOVA certificate on the army registration number and sent more information on the age 

it was rejected again  on AGE and required a club to verify its age


I sent all documents to the MVT  and it was some time before they acted an sent an inspector out.

They sent some of the document back for me to send to get it registered. After emailing them they then sent  them back to me so now I can send them to the DVLA

Now a huge set of information including a letter from the MVT stating AGE.

It was rejected again on a NOVA certificate,          but it was in the pack .

Looking at the rejection several time I noticed that the DVLA had again changed the VIN  Number again to the original hull No that I submitted originally.


Reapplied for a new NOVA certificate and again sent all the documents to the BLASTED  DVLA . I am more than a little annoyed by now.




WOW THEY GAVE ME A REGISTRATION but have not sent a form for No plates or my documents back.


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I would like all the documents back some I paid good money for and are for the vehicles history.You should comply With the size of number plates otherwise you get pulled  by the police. They should have sent the form for legal number plates home painted ones apparently are not legal.

I will chase them up again on Monday. Missed a lot of local shows with all the delays

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Gone are the days when you could speak to the person responsible and explain things face to face. The push for centralisation for a "more efficient service to customers" so often seen with public bodies means you will never have contact with the responsible person. Meaning they don't have that incentive to actually provide a customer orientated service and can hide behind bureaucracy.

Having said that, it also means I don't have to travel to get to the (Long gone) local DVLA office, swings and roundabouts I suppose. 

It will be worth it when you are all sorted.



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I had 2 packages form DVLA, one was the V5 the other was all the documents I had sent in, and arrived 2 days apart.

MVT dragged their feet but DVLA only rejected my application once. Once I got the reject letter (because of proof of age) I called the person who signed the reject letter and had a chat. She told me exactly what she wanted, which I provided and got it sorted within 10 days that second time.

only took me 4 months to get together the proof everyone wanted, as it was a private sale and had NO documentation with it when purchased



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Hi Lance

Yes early on in the DVLA  saga  I spoke to the DVLA on the first rejection  the same as you on age of the vehicle but it was not successful .I suppose  if you talk to the monkey or the organ grinder is the key . I  have today got the new historic number plate plates for the CVRW and dug out the papers for the champ  plates which is being restored . With the champ they sent out a number plate Authorisation  Certificate  V948  .This is what has confused me  and it was this document I was waiting for they must have changed there system.

Regarding registration now it is so much harder to obtain needing loads of information , clubs to be involved, NOVA certificates and more than one attempt. 

Apart from several years ago when I bought the first ferret and Champ  and I have had a few others since the DVLA have made it harder to register . The best club that helped me was the Champ owners club with Gerry Toms they took an interest in getting  another Champ  on the road and took on the DVLA after my first rejection. A BIG thanks to them and NOVA who were very efficient  and helpful.


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I have just had my documents back from the DVLA for my 1944 Morris first registration. I used the MVT who were very efficient and helpful, it took about 3 weeks from sending the documents to the DVLA to receiving the log book. However the log book is to some extent incorrect, as the information contained is different to the information that I filled in on the V55/5. I entered the model as a C8, the relevant column on the log book is empty, the fuel type was entered as Petrol, the log book has heavy oil, the cylinder capacity was entered as 3519cc, the log book has 900cc. Thankfully the important information, chassis number, year of manufacture and engine number are correct but how can it be so hard to copy what has been entered in the V55/5 onto the log book. I will have to ring them on Monday.

A silly question but why can't you just get a set of number plates made off of the internet, there are many companies that don't require all the relevant documents or is there a catch that I can't see?



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A reply to the silly question, it is illegal for anyone to make numbers plates without the correct documents. There used to be ‘show’ plates but even these are illegal to produce without documentation.

i am sure someone will tell what the regulation actual is


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The last time I got a set of 'New' plates for Katy, actually it was her old English number that hadn't been reissued, The DVLA sent me a letter authorising the manufacture. I took it to my local Halford's. Took a few days as she is inttiled to black and white ones. They had none of the required markings, country, manufacturer etc that modern plates need.

Best suggestion: Ask your local plate maker what they want.

Edited by Tony B
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Yes indeed, I have had the little slip telling me that I can only get them through a certified vendor but I have never had to supply all that information before, I just get a set made. If it's for a modern vehicle then locally or if it's for an old vehicle via the internet. Still if that's what has to be done then I suppose...…..

Thanks for all your responses and sorry if I have interrupted the original thread.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, having received the registration document about 2 weeks ago I have now received a letter informing me that they have authorised my application and that  I should receive the registration document within 4 weeks, the registration number that I have been allocated is LXS403, and there is also the receipt for road tax, which of course is £0 but for LXS403 . Also enclosed is the official number plate authorisation cert for...……. wait for it...……….registration number LXZ403, of course you would think that that would have been a bad enough mistake for the DVLA to make but the V5C registration document that they have already sent me 2 weeks previously has yet another, different, registration number on it. I have checked and the registration number that is stated on the V5 has road tax and the chassis number stated on the V5 is correct for my vehicle but the authorisation letter also contains my chassis number for the other 2 registration numbers. Confused, me to.



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Some years ago I was being given the run-around trying to register an MGB which had sat idle for 30+ years, and for which I had all the relevant paperwork. Not much happened until I started the on-line complaint procedure then things moved quickly.

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