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Army camp locations, WW1, WW2

Rick W

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A useful online resource for finding out about army camps in your area from the archaeology data Service. Listed by county, it gives NGR's for WW1 army camps, but a large part of it is WW2 army camps, including D-Day Marshalling camps, Overlord camps, US army camps etc, well worth a look!




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Sat in Durham Archives Office a couple of years ago doing family history, I got fed up and found and studied a microfilm of the War Diary of a battalion of the Durham Light Infanty, dated 1944. Imagine my surprise to find the diary opening with the battalion deploying to Tot Hill north of Southampton to await D-Day embarkation. I drive past Tot Hill every day to and from work.


Then my cousin lent me her collection of her late father's memorabilia. (nobody knew until his eulogy was read that he had driven his Bofors gun tractor over three different invasion beaches on respective D-Days to land in Sicily, Italy and Normandy).


His collection included a Regimental History of his Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, of which his battery had been raised from a squadron of Northumberland Hussars immediately after the outbreak of hostilities and his volunteering. I had never known that he too wanted to be a cavalryman.


And where did his Regiment encamp to await D-Day embarkation? Believe it or not, Hursley Park, the very field on which my current office was built. It was then the headquarters of Vickers / Supermarine after the Supermarine factories were blitzed out in 1940 and remained HQ Vickers until they sold the park to IBM.


Small world or what???

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Great story.



I may be thick but I can't find the info I need from there :dunno:



I followed the link.


I clicked on the I Agree button to enter the catalogue.


At the bottom of the next page are links to a Stage 1 and a Stage 2 report. This page explains what the differences between the two reports.


Click on either report.


On the next page, most of the links take you to comma separated variable data (CSV) files. These are meaningless as such. They are meant to be uploaded into another program (Microsoft Excel is a good example). Knowing which would help.


But at the top of each page is a PDF file for download. (No Gary Glitter is not a convicted PDF file.) These are portable documents which you can read with Acrobat Reader (free download) or direct through your webpage - an add-on may need to be installed to allow your browser to read PDFs.


Quickly glancing through one of the reports (I haven't studied it) suggests I was right and the CSVs are for upload to Excel. I still don't know what data they'll display.


Just enjoy the PDFs.



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Go to the link and click on it, you will come up with ADS home page. Go to bottom and click I agree. You should then find yourself on the overview page for that report. Scroll to bottom and click on Stage 2 (in red). You should then find yourself with several options in boxes, just click on the relevant one.

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Great link Rick - well done that man.................




Piddlehinton Camp Piddlehinton SY 725965 1940

43 36 1434 RASC Pay Office Built as Brigade or Divisional Camp. Reinforcement Camp in February 1941 for 8 Infantry Brigade. Enlarged to form Overlord camp. 1956 decided to retain as spare as long as requied then alienate WO 163/349 T 472/51 WO 199/2286 WO 199/2287 WO 163/633 WO 199/2040


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  • 11 years later...
  • 5 years later...

Could it be Lytchett?  There is a Lytchett Minster in Dorset, not far from Poole, and a Lytchett Maltravers a bit further north.  There was a school at the former in the 1930s.  It was commandeered by the British Military between 1939 and 1945, the grounds also being used as a US tank base - https://www.southlytchettmanor.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/South-Lytchett-Manor-a-brief-history.pdf .

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