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Hi, I've got a couple of rough Commers, Q2 and Q3. The plan is to make at least one out of the two, though there is a fair amount of work needed to save them. Had a look round the internet and there doesn't seem to be much info out there? They don't have documents or reg. numbers, so I'm unsure of the exact age. The Q3 has a body number on the cab '39 S 8280' I wondered if the '39' was the date? Can the date and original model be deciphered from the chassis numbers??

How rare are these things? Like, how hard should I try to save them both?? I have had 1950's Q4s in the past and have seen a few at shows, but don't recall ever seeing any of the earlier Q's ??

I could really use some measurements and a photo or two of the bonnet as they are missing. Looks like a fairly simple affair to make?




That's the trouble with manufacturers reusing vehicle names or numbers, mucho confusion :rolleyes:

This is the kind of thing I've got, made from 1939 to ? if only they currently looked as good !



Whereas this is the 1950's Q2

commer q2 1950s.JPG




I think I have a pair of bonnet sides somewhere and I definitely made a bonnet top (which is quite a complicated blighter as I recall - have a look at the pics on http://rustytrucks.tripod.com/id29.html). The post-war coach bonnet sides were different to yours, but, as I say I have a pair of wartime ones in a corner somewhere if you are interested. As for the top I can let you have the dimensions but you will have to find the latch mechanisms!


I am very interested in the wartime bonnet side panels ! Price? and where are you? North west of England doesn't sound too far from south west of Scotland :-D Don't suppose you (or anyone else on here) have any wings? Any condition, rusty, battered tinwork doesn't scare me

Nice and interesting work you do :-D



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