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71 FL 84 Land Rover 1 tonne FC LHD + Sankey wide track trailer 49 KC 33 FV 2381

robin craig

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Dear All,


This is to document the mucking about with this vehicle during my ownership, as with anything, we are only temporary custodians.


Let us start at the begining. The vehicle was imported to Canada by Nigel Gray who had sourced it in the UK. The vehicle came to the Kingston area of Ontario and knocked around here for a few years. Nigel never had a garage to store it in. At the time he was an employee of a large corporation. After a few years Nigel got made redundant and faced a work shortage.


He and I had met and he approached me for casual labour work. We employed him for a long summer. It was during this time that he made the bold move and joined the Canadian Navy even though he was in his forties. The 101 then became a mill stone around his neck and I took pity on it and afforded it shelter where and when I could on the property at work, shuffling it around from one draughty barn to another and occasionally shunting it outside as the needs occurred. All the time we managed to keep it running and mobile.


We moved house and built our own new house and the 101 followed us around as the elephant in the corner. Nigel paid for storage locally when work gave it the heave ho. It was during this time that we tried to sell it for Nigel but there was zero interest. Eventually, Nigel came to the decision to cut his ties and scrap it. I implored him to allow us time to raise funds to buy it and save it. Having just built a new house it was a tough sell domestically but I am blessed with a very patient partner in my Jan, she is a gem, and she nodded the required approval. A payment plan was agreed by Jan with Nigel and I skulked off to gloat and rub my hands with glee. You see I had owned one of the rare Luxembourg 101s and was forced to sell it as my marriage and life imploded years ago.


A plan was hatched to get the Union Jack Collection for whom I work to sell an unused Sankey trailer that it had acquired through my efforts over 5 years ago but was not doing anything with. To me it would be the perfect pairing. The wide track was a KC ie 1984 manufacture date so it is wholly plausible that it could have been towed by the 101. A very generous owner of the collection granted the chance to own it this Christmas, at what cost I am unsure but that will be cleared up in time, anyway, its is ours now, so we will start the ownership and care of it and get things going with some bearings and seal work and brake work. Function first, cosmetics second.


Now, let me show you something that is causing me some consternation. The data plate for the vehicle shows it marked as a General service truck and also FFR. I thought this was impossible, can anyone explain? You will note that this truck is serialised as 96400025A, wondering if that makes it the 25 truck off the production line?


The other picture shows a list of what I need to get done before spring so I can safety it (MOT) and get it road legal.


The shots of the vehicle are from a few years ago.


I'm wondering if anyone here recalls the truck in private ownership in the UK where the sand paint job was done or even more unlikely has a picture of it in service.

LR 101 1.jpg

LR 101 2.jpg

Omva Kingston 08 003.jpg

Wide track trailer 1.jpg

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ROBIN there was talk in the early days of making all of the 24 volt 101s capable of radio fitment l know that l have the

original spec file and l am thinking it was mentioned in there is it me or is the d at the end of forward miss shaped

secondly l could be wrong but control does not look right as it appears to have been abbreviated but l am sure 101 owners will correct me if l am wrong

but look at the details you have 1 its 24 volt appears to have started life as a GS then upgraded to the FFR role

l think l may have met BEN SMITH AT BEVERLEY l think he has a interest in the FORWARD CONTROL 101 PROTOTYPES

FITTED with the powered trailer2


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I don't think the stamping on the plate is anything to worry about. The few 101 plates I've looked at closely tend to look a bit scruffy. The plate on our 12V GS 101 is the original, judging by the several different coats of brush-applied NATO Green that had overlapped onto it, and it has a "hand stamped" look, albeit a bit tidier than yours. Even the abbreviated spelling of "control" is not unusual - I've got a Lightweight which is mis-stamped LDH instead of LHD. It happens.


All 101s, both 12V and 24V, were classed as GS vehicles unless fitted with Radio or Ambulance bodies, but the 24V ones were also identified as FFR. So no worries there, either. :)


Your vehicle was despatched out of the factory to the Army on 7th July 1975 along with 14 others and it's the 25th 24V LHD one built. Just where that fits in the overall build list, I'm not sure, but 7th July is the earliest date shown in the despatch book for a bulk delivery of 24V LHD. Deliveries before that date were just the prototypes and only a couple of production vehicles. Nice!


PS - the 101 Club is worth joining. They've got a very useful supply of spares. www.101club.org

Edited by Ivor Ramsden
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Talking about early 1 tonnes, yes never referred to as a "101" when in service, I recollect the first time I came across one. I started a new job at a REME workshop in June 1974 and on the first day was shown around, in amongst the "B" vehicles under repair was a 1 tonne. Not very inspired by it, I focused on more interesting things like Scammells and AEC's. But I do recollect the chap working on it telling me it was waiting for a new camshaft, it must have been a trials vehicle (possibly had been on what they called User Trials), as it was several years on before we saw them coming into service.

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Wally, yes, Ben is a friend and lives in the US of A and is heavily into the 1 tonne prototypes and has a powered trailer. I am in the process of getting a hold of him.


I agree with Chris that it looks like a replacement plate and yet I agree with others that scruffy original ones have been around and genuine. I did not point out all the flaws like the word "control" as I wanted pther to make up their own minds.


So, on other series trucks there were on military vehicles, 3 places to check a VIN or serial number. Are the 1 tonnes the same? Is there stamping on the chassis frame rail on the front right?


Ivor, I have been generousy given membership to the club but am having extreme problems logging in and or getting anyone to answer my emails. Yes it appears to be an early vehicle.


Richard you will note that I titled the thread 1 tonne.


Great replies from all concerned, glad to have you all weigh in with your contributions, thank you all for the efforts and look forward to much more over time.



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I'm trying to make up a number plate for the trailer.


I understand it should be done as a strip vertically like this:-






What is the spacings and what is the font and should this be a pressed plate or painted? Does the plate have rounded corners? Does it have an edge the same colour as the script?


There was some work by a gent by the name of John Masterangelo on the subject but I do not have any of his works.


What can you tell me?





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  • 2 months later...



Did some prep work on the new to me trailer a week ago, dragged it into the shop and went at the wheel bearings and the brakes, all seemed fine. Washed the bearings out and re packed with new grease and installed. Kind of ran out of time that night.


Lacking any replies on the trailer plate as asked in the last post I am thinking that the rear licence plate for an Abbot SPG that is sitting under my desk will become the rear plate for the trailer and I will paint the details onto it and await Santa buying me a real one at a later date.


I have some other good news, I think, but I had better wait until an auction ends first!


Looking forward to having the pair running and legal later this year. Hardly seems possible as I sit here on the 6th of March with the temperature currently minus 24 degrees C and snow and ice everywhere, will spring ever come?



Wide track trailer 6.jpg

Wide track trailer 5.jpg

Wide track trailer 7.jpg

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I was chatting with a friend the other week and he said he had something for me as a gift.


Yesterday I was up in his area and dropped by and collected this trophy which I am sure will go a long way to helping out the 101 engine performance. He had a Rover V8 a number of years ago but since moved it on and never got this fitted so he wanted me to have it.


Cant wait to get it fitted in the spring.


My only concern is my truck is 24 volt and this was made for 12 volt, will it work?



101 Electronic Ignition.jpg

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A long time ago I owned one of the Luxembourg 101's. I had a very close escape one day when I was cut off by a drunk driver and rolled the truck but walked away from the accident.


That truck needed another wheel to make it mobile after the accident. I was loaned that wheel by a third party. Over the years I held onto the truck but a few years ago I sold it to my best mate. It was recently that I was shocked to recall that loan and put steps into place to secure another wheel to replace the one loaned to me. In addition, this 101 also needs a spare wheel. For those of you in the dark the 101s have a unique wheel with six studs and they are rare, very rare.


The sand channels on Ferrets are also rare, but within the last year I bought a pair only to find out that Canada did not use them on their Ferrets. Recently when I found a pair of 101 wheels for sale on ebay I proposed that a good friend should buy those wheels and ship them back to Canada and I would give him the sand channels.


I am happy to say that he took up the challenge and reported to me that he has won the wheels and they will come back in a month or so.


I am very happy to be able to close the door on that loan and complete my 101.



101 wheels.JPG

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AS promised the size of these plates is 190mm wide by 340mm long no silver edging if how ever it was at the rear of a vehicle like a BV 206 IT would have a silver edging if it was a standard size number plate that is 520MM LONG by 110MM

WIDE it would have the silver edging wether it was at the back or front of the vehicle or on a trailer the silver edging is

5MM WIDE hope this helps the lad who makes the number plates up has made me one like this as a joke





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It is actually a 432 rear plate, but no matter, it is too wide, so I will go with Wally's dimensions and make a plate up.


The lower part of the registration plate mount has some nasty bends and damage so I think I am going to drill out the plug / spot welds and straighten it on the bench and the weld it back on, seems the only sane way.



Wide rack licence plate.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

Pursuant to the last post I did take the trailer tailgate apart but the welding did not go too well, so we will not show that until I get that sorted out and respectable.


So, the frost has gone and we are suffering with daily rain showers, so as a farmer on clay ground we can't do any spring tillage or planting, we are a good month behind.


So, with longer days I have been tinkering with the Land Rover again. A quick trip down the island on the end of the straight bar to the shop the other night with my mate Gerry driving the Dodge 5500.


We have had issues getting her running, the truck is full of bodges which we are slowly hunting down, they range from mickey mouse 24 to 12 volt trickery and a bodged fuel system. We have proven the fuel system with the aid of a nice shop tool Gerry has which has a resevoir and a regulator so you can play with fuel pressure to ensure the rough running is not related to that.


The smoking gun is the twin SU carbs Gerry says, so they have to come off and be gone through. The exhaust also has to be rebuilt, so that means a trip to his shop off island and being outside for about a week or so.


The old storage place was very musty so as it wont be going back there that was the trigger to take off the old canvas and put the new one on. As always we are always under the gun for time. I think for the next Olympics we need a demonstration sport of fast new canvas installation on a vehicle.


Thank goodness I have done one before. I skipped doing the fiddly bits over the doors as the sky was ominous and more rain was on the way. Troubling was the missing draw string at the rear, thankfully I have saved the old canvas and can reclaim the string from that one.


If it clears up today maybe I will go finish that. In the meantime I have inside plasterboard / drywall to work at in our house.



101 front new.jpg

101 storm.jpg

101 electrics.jpg

101 fuel.jpg

101 bare.jpg

101 tow.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

The carbs are knackered and need rebuilding, beyond me for skill and time right now. Called down to Rovers North who says kits are no longer available, it was suggested we source from the UK.



My mate Gerry has found a local (within Canada) company who is sending him a kit based on his identification of the carbs on SU's website.


They arrive today hopefully.



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The carbs are knackered and need rebuilding, beyond me for skill and time right now. Called down to Rovers North who says kits are no longer available, it was suggested we source from the UK.



My mate Gerry has found a local (within Canada) company who is sending him a kit based on his identification of the carbs on SU's website.


They arrive today hopefully.




Although not orginal, would you consider a mod to the intake system? Case in point, we have a twing carb set up (SU) on our Volvo Bv 202, and single carb w/ manifolds as a kit exist out there as an upgrade, might be worth poking around for something like this if you find the twin SU set up a problem.


For rebuild and set up, I can suggest Len at Richmond Motorsports, he has all the equipment to set up and balance these carbs (613) 838-9996





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Although not orginal, would you consider a mod to the intake system? Case in point, we have a twing carb set up (SU) on our Volvo Bv 202, and single carb w/ manifolds as a kit exist out there as an upgrade, might be worth poking around for something like this if you find the twin SU set up a problem.


For rebuild and set up, I can suggest Len at Richmond Motorsports, he has all the equipment to set up and balance these carbs (613) 838-9996






Oh, one question? is that 101 mechanical or electri fuel pump??





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