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Hi question for you knowledgeable gents re steam waggon and antitank gun mount

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Hi, I wonder if anyone has seen a steam wagon circa ww1/ home or abroad, with a anti tank gun mounted on its rear platform, steam waggon makers sentinel /and foden supplied the war dept with steam waggons, but were any used in this way?.. I am sure I saw a picture once....possibly an Atkinson..it may have been a prototype or trial? I am sure it would be similar to the Thornycroft j type lorries and 13pdr gun.... has anyone got a drawing of the war dept handbook for the thornycroft lorry gun mount? Kind regards,

and thank you for your anticipated comments,



World War One mounted Anti-Tank Guns ! I'm sure at this time only small bore A-T rounds were being used and the concept of A-T Artillery was in very early concept stages. This was a time when even the idea of Anti-Aircraft Guns was a fresh development with the very simple remounting of the standard 13 pdr Field Gun which proved pretty useless ! although the 3" 20 cwt was a bit more on track.




If I can be an honorary gent for the day (replete with Christmas cracker plastic 'tash), your description rang a bell. I'm sure I've seen a photo of a steam lorry with a very tall funnel and a flat bed and a big thing that looked like a harpoon gun mounted on the bed.


There's a photo of the Duxford J type here - http://worldcarslist.com/photo/thornycroft-j-type/02/default.html . The one I'm thinking of was definitely steam though (tall funnel) and the gun mount on the back was rather more naval-deck-mount, sturdy and squat with a lot of bolts.


I've no idea where I saw it though, but if it sounds like what you are thinking of at east you know it exists. I wouldn't have thought it was specifically anti-tank though.


I lived in Acton during the 1970s and my elderly Landlady remembered seeing trucks with anti-aircraft guns driving around central London in WW1 when she was a girl. The trucks with guns were trying to shoot down Zeppelins. What she described was like the anti-aircraft truck in the Imperial War Museum.


Definitly Anti Zepplin/Aircaraft. If you watch the first few minutes of the Korda film of H. G. Well's Shape of Things to Come, made in 1936, there is a scene where similar vehicles are deployed in 'Everytown'.

If I can be an honorary gent for the day (replete with Christmas cracker plastic 'tash), your description rang a bell. I'm sure I've seen a photo of a steam lorry with a very tall funnel and a flat bed and a big thing that looked like a harpoon gun mounted on the bed.


There's a photo of the Duxford J type here - http://worldcarslist.com/photo/thornycroft-j-type/02/default.html . The one I'm thinking of was definitely steam though (tall funnel) and the gun mount on the back was rather more naval-deck-mount, sturdy and squat with a lot of bolts.


I've no idea where I saw it though, but if it sounds like what you are thinking of at east you know it exists. I wouldn't have thought it was specifically anti-tank though.


Hi Yes , my mistake, rather than anti aircraft, it was more of a naval gun and mount, unfortunately its not in any of my books of steam waggon books, maybe it was a one off trial... thank you very much for your honorable reply!


I have never seen a picture of a steam wagon with gun mounted but in this business you never stop learning !.. Anything substantial like the Thoprnycroft J type mobile anti-aircraft gun lorry it requires levelling / jacking beams underneath to which steam wagons generally do not lend themselves . We restored the J type at Duxford for IWM in the late 1980s. A good book covering much of this type of vehicle is 'War Cars -British Armoured Cars during the First World War' by David Fletcher, very well illustrated.

Richard Peskett.

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