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My 2013 Season in pictures

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As with past years, here's a thread with a few of my photos from this year.


York Crank Up April 14th

I set off from Washington at 8.30am against a strong headwind. It was so strong at times, I struggled to hit 30 mph, and as a result of the extended journey time, I just missed the start of the convoy, passing them the wrong way on the A64. Nearing the centre of York, I spotted a Jeep on the side of the road. It was Simon, hood up and spanners everywhere. It didn't take too long to find a slightly loose carburettor, which was sucking air at its gasket and messing up the mixture. Once it was nipped up again, with finished the trip to the castle, to find around 50 or so vehicles on display. Because of the wind strength, it took me almost 3/4 of a tank to get to York, but after filling up, the return trip was done on a little over 1/4 tank!






Battlegroup North, Elvington Airfield - May 11/12th

Held on a very windy weekend, the move from the museum compound to the airfield, exaggerated the cold. Saturday was also showery, and this probably helped to keep the public away. It cleared up on Saturday evening, giving some of the best light of the weekend, allowing me to get some great sunset pictures over the Nimrod and Victor. The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Dakota and Lancaster also flew over, the Dak on Saturday and the Lanc on Sunday. Saturday also saw the Buccaneer and Nimrod do fast taxi runs, while on Sunday, the Nimrod was replaced by the Victor. There were also a number of aircraft from Breighton airfield made several passes on Sunday. There was a very good tun out of vehicles, though with them spread out over a larger site, it was difficult to tell numbers compared to previous years.







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Blyth Battery Goes to War - May 19th

I only attended for the second day, as there was torrential rain on Saturday. Sunday started out calm, not too cold, but very misty. The mist gradually lifted across the day, with more people turning out as the day progressed. By the end of the day, I'd chatted to more people in one day at Blyth than both days at Elvington.






The Great North Fly In - June 15/16th

A poor forcast put some people off, but the forecast turned out to be wrong. Saturday was dry and bright, though windy, and this kept the numbers down. Sunday on the other hand was dry, bright and a fairly gentle wind, so there was plenty of flying and lots of visitors.







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Croft Nostalgia Weekend - August 3/4th

Croft Nostalgia was an excellent weekend, both with content and weather. The only serious rain was a thunderstorm on Friday late afternoon, after we had set up camp. After it cleared, it gave a really nice Sun set which I took advantage of in pictures three and four.








Trams & Transport at the North East Land Sea and Air Museum - August 11th

Now that the NE Electrical Traction Trust has moved to the former NE Aircraft Museum, now N.E.L.S.A.M., there are a number of trams in residence amongst the hangars. The Tram people had their first open day today, so I took the Jeep down to have a look and support the event, as there were also other vehicles attending. It was a good day, with only a few short showers that encouraged people to have a look inside the trams and buses. The museum entrance and shop has also changed locations since I was last there in November. With the better weather this year, further progress has also been made on the painting of the Vulcan back to its 1970's colour scheme. There have also been big strides made on the internal restoration of the Trident passenger cabin.





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NE Military Vehicle Club Rally - August 25/26th

Another successful event at the DLI Museum, and the good weather helped a great deal, though most of my pictures were taken early Sunday before the Sun came out. On Sunday, Lynne took the Jeep while I drove the Dodge. Upon arrival, she informed me the Jeep tank was empty! I dipped the tank and found two inches of fuel left, which works out to be around a gallon, giving plenty for the return trip back home. On Monday, it was just the Dodge in attendance.








North East Restoration Club Car Show - September 1st

For a bit of a change, I took the Dodge to a local car show. It stood out amongst all the polished paint work around me, and there was quite a lot of interest from the other car owners and the public. There was such a good turn out, that the show ground gates had to be closed to stop further entries once the field was full.





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RAF Scorton Memorial Dedication - September 7th

Mid afternoon on September 7th, I set off for what once was RAF Scorton. Meeting up with some other vehicle owners at Croft. There were around ten vehicles in attendance for the memorial dedication, and about 70 people from the village and surrounding area The station commander of RAF Leeming unveiled the memorial which stands next to the restored windsock mast.








Washington Heritage Festival - September 21st

Here's a few pictures from early in the day while everyone was still setting up. Not a massive military turn out, but a good number of public there. Mid afternoon, two of the battle of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfires came over on their way to Newcastle.





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Breighton Airfield Pre-hibernation Fly-In - October 6th

For a change, I took the B-17 Fortress on static display to Brieghton for their end of season fly in. I needed to store it at my dad's place for a while to use the trailer for other things, and since that would meant the B-17 would be close to Breighton for their event, it was an easy choice to take it along. It was nice weather to end the season and the evening Sun light allowed some nice photos out on the airfield.











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North East Aircraft Museum Hosts the 607 Squadron Reunion and Remembrance Service - November 9/10th


607 Squadron Reunion Nov 9th

On November 9th, veterans of 607 County of Durham Squadron gathered at the aircraft museum, built on the site of RAF Usworth, to mark the opening of a new 607 Squadron display in the entrance of the main hangar. The display charts the beginnings of the Squadron and RAF Usworth with display boards and exhibits, and follows the Squadron history through the wars and beyond. An Ex-RAF Bulldog trainer made a number of fly pasts and a small memorial service was held before the official opening.










Remembrance Service Nov 10th

The annual Remembrance Service was held on Sunday 10th. Lyta laid a wreath made by a local scout group; a poignant moment for someone so young.










That was the end of my 2013 season.

Edited by Jessie The Jeep
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