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Hello fellow Military vehicle owners

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Hi everyone,


After beïng active with several world war II era "occupations" in multiple ways, I finaly got myself a first vehicle. I recently bought a Morris Commercial C4 MKIII Radio Wagon. Beside that I am intrested to see what more vehicles people own nowaday, I joined HMVF in order to get known everything about my MKIII MC.

Thanks to some fellow vehicle owners who redirected me to this great website, I maight finaly get in contact with people who are willing to help me to restore my MC to its original looks and paintings.


Now a bit more about myself;

My real name is Nico Van Bellinghen and I live in Belgium.

Since I was about 12 years old I got bitten by a terrible WWII interests. So I first started reading, films, documentarys,... later I started creating and helping on several websites on the internet which brought me in contact with some reenactors, so I started reenacting as well offcource. Later on I joined a Belgian Military vehicle club with members owning several US vehicles and one BSA motorcycle. I was the only member with only a BSA folding bike at that time... it was a vehicle anyway ;)

Now finaly many years later I enriched myself with a precious MC MKIII C4 radio wagon which is so far waiting for a full restoration. More hereabout in another topic.


Any questions about me... I'll be pleased to answer u!

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Welcome in. The thing about a bike, the running costs are low.:-D


Hi there,


You've got a point right there, however I suffer extreme difficulties when I try to keep up with the rest of the column when we are having a tour on events... Also after a few kilometers I am willing to throw in the towel, beside I am in good physic condition :P:D


Thanks to the Morris, the roles are turned and the BSA folding can join the ride in the back of the truck :P

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