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Well what do you all think

Andy Neal

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A chap sells a group of us two of the same vehicles to restore. They are in bits at two locations, so we hire a vehicle go and collect them and try and sort out what we have. There are lots of bits missing from what were two complete and running vehicles. Time after time we tried to get hold of him to ask where the other bits were, but he wouldnt answer. When we finally got hold of him , he told us that he didnt know where those bits were and we had had all of them. Now it seems that inportant and rare bits that belong to this type of vehicle are appearing for sale by him on Ebay. So what do you think of this chap (Name with held until we catch up with him) ?

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Buyer beware? Easy to say I know, and sometimes you just have to take a chance. Guess it boils down to weighing up the individual. Can certainly understand your frustration. There are some very genuine people out there.

Edited by N.O.S.
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Legally very sticky. :( Unfortunately the 'Law' isn't always on the side that it should be in such situations .

..I would say :

A: Were the items you are now missing obviously present when you first viewed the trucks?

if 'yes'? you got a good case...if not..you're stuck


B: If you didn't see the actual items ...did the seller intone/promise/say that such items were included in the sale?

if 'yes' you got a good case BUT ...you will need a witness to substantiate what you are saying (did the other buyer see and hear the same?)....if not?....you're probably stuck :(


As I said before.....it's been my sad experience that 'the Law' is not always as straight forward and common sense as we may wish or think it should be.......

A rotten situation though and I do wish you all the very best with it :(

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If you have the purchase information in written form, a copy of an ebay ad for example, that states that you were buying all the parts to complete two vehicles then I would suggest you have a case. If it was all verbal agreements you are unlikely to win out sadly.

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What I will say is that you will have to resolve it with him or yourself.


I have every sympathy for you and agree with the sentiments of those posting before me.


Sadly in the end you have to watch your own back.


I would suggest that you are valid in your feelings of being jipped or done over or stitched up, by the sounds of it I would be the same.


I wish you luck in avenues like small claims court etc.


I wont tell you how I would solve it or how I have in the past, but let us just say I believe in a natural justice but also employ others who are more persuasive when I have to.


It feels awful when you feel like you have been taken for a ride by someone who knows full well what they are doing.



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What I will say is that you will have to resolve it with him or yourself.


I wont tell you how I would solve it or how I have in the past, but let us just say I believe in a natural justice but also employ others who are more persuasive when I have to..................



NOT wishing to depress anyone but...

I too wish you luck with a Small Claims Court ..... complete waste of space I've always found :cry:


and the rest of Robins post ? :D:):cool2::goodidea::whentitsdone::clap::box::box:

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