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Saracen Radio Tray


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Hi All,


I plan on eventually fitting some Clansman radios to my Saracen MK 5 and to that end, I need to refit the radio tray that goes to the left of the driver.


Does anyone have any photos or manual excerpts that show how this was installed in the vehicle? I assume that I'm missing some brackets that go with it.




Radio Tray.jpg

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I'm not too sure that Clansman was ever fitted to Saracen. My TA unit started getting Clansman when Saracen was being replaced with Spartan (Sultan and Samaritan) I THINK. (30 ish years ago now :-( )

It should be possible to custom build/adapt something though. Good luck :)



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I've not been able to find anything indicating that Clansman was ever fitted to Saracens either, but I want a working radio and intercom system and I'll be damned if I'm either going to pay for, or mess around with, Larkspur. I'm happy enough for those in the know to silently (or not so silently) judge me when they see it as I plan for it to be a working vehicle and not a show pony.


In any case, I have to get the existing rack installed and then work out how to adapt Clansman to it, so if anyone has a manual, EMER or photos, that would be great!


The next challenge would be to get into the driver's seat with it there, maybe it's a good opportunity to shed a few pounds? :P




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Terry I think you are going to have to rely on your ingenuity to integrate Clansman into your vehicle.


I think I have all the Saracen installations in EMER COMMUNICATION INSTALLATIONS, they are exclusively Larkspur. Indeed the detailed index of A001 lists nothing else but that system. These of course are EMERs I have no idea if something might cover what you want in an EMEI (AUS) of those that I have only Larkspur is covered.


Is this of any help?





If you take a fancy to a particular Larkspur layout that you feel would lend itself to being the basis of a Clansman installation then choose something from the list below. The relevant EMER CI gives a fair number of diagrams & photos.


K 195 Wireless Stations in APC, Saracen (C13/B47 with harness type B) Mar.1961

K 215 Station, Radio, in ACV Saracen Mk 2 (C13/C13HP/C42) Inst.Instr.No.3. Jun.1967

K 225 Wireless Station in APC, Saracen, Mks 1 & 2 (C42/B47) Inst.Instr.No.4. Nov.1958

K 225 Wireless Station in APC, Saracen, Mks 1 & 2 (C42/B47) Amendments. Inst.Instr.No.4. Nov.1959

K 245 Wireless Stations in ACV, Sararecn (C11-R210/C42) Inst.Imstr.No.1. Nov.1958

K 255 Wireless stations in ACV, Saracen (C11-R210/C42/C42 with harness type A). Inst.Instr.No.1. Dec.1959

K 502 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, Adjutant, Saracen, Mk 2 (C11-R210/C45 plus R209) Technical Description. Nov.1958

K 504 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, Adjutant, Saracen, Mk 2 (C11-R210/C45 plus R209) Field & Base Repairs. Nov.1961

K 505 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, Adjutant, Saracen, Mk 2 (C11-R210/C45 plus R209) Inst.Instr.No.1. Nov.1958

K 510 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, Saracen, Mk 2. (C45/B48 plus R209) Data Summary Sep.1958

K 512 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, CPO, & ACPO, Saracen, Mk 2. (C45/C45 plus R209) Technical Description. Nov.1958

K 515 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, CPO, & ACPO, Saracen, Mk 2. (C45/C45 plus R209) Inst.Instr.No.1. Nov.1958

K 520 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, Saracen, Mk 2 (C45/B48) Data Summary. Sep.1958

K 522 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, GPO, Saracen, Mk 2. (C45/B48) Technical Description. Oct.1958

K 525 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, GPO, Saracen, Mk 2. (C45/B48 with harness type B) Inst.Instr.No.1. Oct.1958

K 530 Wireless Stations in ACP, RA, Saracen, Mk 2. (C45/C45/B48/R209 + 2 x ALS21) Data Summary. Jul.1962

K 534 Station Radio in ACP, RA, Saracen, Mk 2. (C45/C45/B48 + R209 + 2 x ALS 21). Field & Base Repairs. Mar.1963

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Like others, I am sure there was a valid (but now long-forgotten) reason why we did not / could not fit Clansman in Saracens. I also remember that we got Sultans to replace our Saracens and had to fit Larkspur for the first six months until Clansman was issued to 3 Armd Div. I believe the two events were connected but it was some 34 years ago.

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Also, I would be interested in getting any and all Saracen manuals off of you, either printed or in soft copy. I'm happy to pay for materials and your time.





Terry fair enough to ask. I don't mind doing a few pages but the Saracen EMERs I have cover 6 bulging ring binders with half & full A4 pages with fold out A3 diagrams it would take about a week to scan & crop them I'm afraid.


I've made a blunder that EMEI (AUST) picture I posted is for a Ferret not a Saracen. I find it confusing that COMMUNICATION INSTALLATIONS is not a separate series & is bundled in with EMEI (AUST) VEHICLE yet in the UK the vehicle stuff was in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES & comms stuff in EMER COMMUNICATIONS INSTALLATIONS.

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" I'm happy enough for those in the know to silently (or not so silently) judge me when they see it as I plan for it to be a working vehicle and not a show pony."


Terry, Sorry If I gave the impression I was criticising you. Far from it, the last thing I am is a 'Rivet counter' -

Whatever it takes to make it work, that's my motto!


I was only trying to point out that you could (probably Would) be looking for something that doesn't exist.


The MoD May have gone to the trouble of drawing up racking, cabling etc. only to be overtaken by events (phasing out of Saracen) and it never actually being made/installed.


I Know you said you want to run Clansman - Robin is correct, our 439 MC has no radios (Not even fitted with antenna bases) but we run 'Gold fronted' ANR(?) boxes for intercom, no problem.


All the best,



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Chas, I didn't think you were a rivet counter, but I figure that they're out there and they will be judging. As long as I'm happy, I don't really care what they think though :)


Clive, what I really, really need is the Saracen Service Schedule. I know what I need to check and how to check it, but I have not idea when I'm supposed to do it, nor what I need to top it all up with.




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Clive, what I really, really need is the Saracen Service Schedule. I know what I need to check and how to check it, but I have not idea when I'm supposed to do it, nor what I need to top it all up with.





Ah well you are in luck :-D


PM me your email I have already scanned it into a pdf

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I would have thought one of the C11/R210 fits would be the best start for a Clansman adaptation if only because the R210 and the PSU are similar sized to the RT353 and RT321 from Clansman.


If you are going the harness route you need an IB2 (2 radio + rebro) or IB3 (3 radio) and as many CB2 (2 radio) or CB3 (3 radio) crew boxes as you need intercom stations. You dont actually need a radio to use them just as an intercom, as has been noted. There are two types - the later gold faced ones provide power for ANR (automatic noise reduction) headgear - you can use older non ANR headsets with the gold boxes but not vice versa, so gold is best.


For a 2 user intercom you can much more simply (if not officially) use a 321 or 353 in IC (intercom mode) with a remote combining unit for the 2nd user connected to the remote terminals by a 2 core cable - much cheaper and easier to wire if all you need is communication with the person in the turret who has good visibility ...





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C11/R210 is a helluva sledgehammer just to get IC. Once you go the obvious Larkspur route, C42 (or C45 for RA) and / or C13 (NOT high power) would be far easier to source and more typical of the fit in a Saracen, whether it be an APC or and ACV (sorry I saw somebody's list of Larkspur fits earlier in the thread but I cannot remember if anything had been posited about what model of Saracen we playing with here. And I am suffering side-effects from a flu jab, so feel free to call me Grumpy).

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Thanks Guys,


The Saracen is a MK5 APC (GPMG). I've already decided that I will be fitting Clansman series gear, probably a PRC-352 and a VRC-353. I would have liked to have used the standard support tray, but since most of it appears to be missing anyway, I will probably fabricate something up, based on the Ferret's Clansman mount.


I need to get my head around the power distribution setup installed in my Saracen (it appears a little dodgy) and work out if I need to use the Power Distrubution No 8 box that I have floating around in the back of it, as I only have one set of batteries, but I do have a 30V, 300w generator set, which I unserstand were not normally fitted to the APCs.




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Hi All,



Does anyone have any photos or manual excerpts that show how this was installed in the vehicle? I assume that I'm missing some brackets that go with it.




Larkspur C42 fitted to Mk2 Saracen



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