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North Oxfordshire & Cotswolds Area road runs and camping weekend 9th to 1th August

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We have been running this event for about six years and it has always been a great success and good fun. The format is that of a private event (no public). You can camp if you want to, there are two road runs (Saturday and Sunday) around local military heritage sites which are not usually open to the public which are led by the historian Bill King. Barbecue Saturday night and people drift off on Sunday. The Champ camp usually join us in large numbers.


This year the MVT Area membership voted to move the starting location from Swinbrook to the WW2 airfield at Windrush (about 5 miles away on the road from Burford leading to Gloucester. This was done for a variety of reasons but it was also considered that a WW2 airfield is perhaps more relevant to our hobby. Not everybody agreed with this move and the Champ Camp wished to stay at Swinbrook. As a result there will be camping at two locations. The majority of the NOC MVT will be staying at the Windrush airfield. Some local MVT members, the majority of the Champ Camp and some previous attendees will be returning to Swinbrook. Others not in these categories may be going to either site, the choice is theirs. John Coghlan will be arranging the Swinbrook site, the NOC MVT committee the Windrush site. The Windrush site does give us access to the control tower which has flushing toilets and running hot water. The Swinbrook site has access to the cricket club toilets and shower.


There is a road run leaving from Windrush airfield on the Saturday morning at 10:30 AM and which it is expected will return by 16:15. The route has been planned by Bill King who has organised so many interesting trips before giving us access to unique military sites across the Cotswolds. People camping at Swinbrook may wish to join this road run. They are welcome to do so, but must be at Windrush by 10:30 or risk being left behind. For those who are not familiar with Windrush the entrance will be marked by red signs “SLOW. AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES TURNING”. On the Saturday road run there will be a pub stop for lunch. If you wish to have a meal at this country pub you must advise me of your names well in advance. Failure to do so may result in you not being served, or facing a long wait.


On Saturday night there will be two barbecues (of course). The Champ Camp will be arranging a barbecue in the field at Swinbrook. You will need to bring your own food. Colin will be doing a barbecue at Windrush starting at 17:30 for 18:30. This will be fully catered for and burgers, sausages in a bun etc will be available for a modest sum. I need to know numbers for the Windrush barbecue as soon as possible please. Again, failure to notify may result in disappointment on the day.


On Sunday there will be a second road run leaving from Windrush at 10:30 AM and finishing at a local WW2 historic site. Again, anybody is welcome to join us.


Toilets and washing facilities will be available at the cricket club in Swinbrook or the control tower at Windrush. Portable toilets are not being provided this year.


A calendar girls photo shoot will be taking place at Windrush on the Saturday. The girls are looking for a size 12 WAAF uniform and a man with a large tool to feature in the photos. So if you a particularly large spanner please bring it along.


Please let me know if you are interested in attending.


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