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Snow or the lack of it in the UK


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I'm going to sleep outside this friday with a mate.

Historically correct in Ww2 gear.

No sleeping bag just overcoat and blankets GI blanket and a medic one.. At least my medic blanket is thicker than a normal Gi one. No tent, maybe a tenthalf as a cover on the ground.


Forecast, -2 at night, + 2 in the day. So maybe we'll get some snow.

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I'm going to sleep outside this friday with a mate.

Historically correct in Ww2 gear.

No sleeping bag just overcoat and blankets GI blanket and a medic one.. At least my medic blanket is thicker than a normal Gi one. No tent, maybe a tenthalf as a cover on the ground.


Forecast, -2 at night, + 2 in the day. So maybe we'll get some snow.


Are you bloody mad????????

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Are you bloody mad????????


So I did it, slept outside in the wood. First we sat in a foxhole with a little cooking fire.

Because it was just above freezing I left the big blanket behind (we had to walk 5 kilometers carrying everything).

That left me wit a shelterhalf, GI blanket (quite thin) and overcoat.


My mate slept in a foxhole, me above ground. A good thing because he snored like a Matador truck.

I couldn't get to sleep and noticed the groundcold creeping up through the tenthalf so I cheated a bit by using a inflatable camping mattrass. Later that night I wrapped the tenthalf over me. I wore thick socka, wool inlaysole and seperate wool oversocks over my boots so they weren't very cold.

I wasnt freezing but shivers went up my left side of my back., but I didn't shiver. Still I missed my thick blanket.


In the morning it was reletively warm, about 5 Celsius.'After walking back 5 kilometers I was very tired. Later on I weighed all the clothing and gear I wore, 28 KILO"S. No wonder I was tired and my back hurt!


My mate taking a quick nap. He slept under a thick German blanket, warm enough although he had cold feet.



Here 2 pics of me.




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nice one well done next time it snows try it again ;)


I wanted to do just that but my friends couldn't and I was a bit sick.



I did participate in a walk starting 05:30 at -12 C in the Ardennes.

That was fun.


Me in the snow



Part of our group


Edited by Enigma
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