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Howdy from the land downunder

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Howdy folks,


My name is Anthony and I'm from Australia, I've always had an interest in tracked armour, whether it was from my time in Army cadets or when there was a crazy guy that stole an M113 from a local army reserve depot and had a bit of a joyride through my capital city.


I'm looking at buying a CVR(T) FV103 Spartan and in my poking around the net for research I found this site so this is my introduction post and would like to say that if anyone has any information that they think would be relevant I would be really interested in it.


Whether it be what to look out for when buying tracked armour in general to cvrt's specifically, to exporting armour from the UK, to any manuals you guys think I should purchase or flick through


Anyways thats enough of my rambling feel free to pm me to say hello or feed me some info



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