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Hello, Tony from Stoke on trent or Tonyturf by my username, Here to brighten your day, make you laugh, cry, snigger or simply poo your pants, Usually at my expense!!!!!. Proud owner of jeep and BSA m20 motorcycle. Member of Northstaffs area MVT. I get inside an 18 yr old everyday!!!! but it`s an old ERF lorry. Hope to put faces to usernames in time. See you on the show scene.:nut:

Welcome in, your Dad has said a lot about you! :cool2:


His sister Debbie was born almost two years before him, she was born on Christmas day, lunchtime, just whilst I was visiting.

You could only visit hospitals in those days at certain times, and only for about one hour. I had rang the hospital on Christmas eve to enquire how my wife was doing, knowing that she was near to giving birth. The duty nurse.... it was about 11.30 pm when I rang.... said, your wife has given birth to a boy. So I stayed up for most of the night celbrating, only to be told when I arrived for my visit at lunchtime on Christmas day to stand on one side whilst everyone else went in to visit. A senior nurse came to me and said, can you see all of that activity down the hallway, thats the nurses dealing with your wife now, she is just giving birth...... the nurse that I had spoken with the night before must have been celebrating christmas, I think that she had been at the sauce!!!!! Anyhow it turned out to be a girl. When Tony was born I would not believe the nurse when she said that its a boy, she had to show me to convince me, I did of course tell her why I was sceptical. They have both grown up to be lovely kids that any parents could be proud of. I do jokingly tell everyone that when Tony was born, the midwife held him up, and then smacked his mother....... but it really is only a joke.


CELEBRATING.............. I have just discovered that its not my spelling thats at fault..... its my keyboard, it sometimes does not regist.r all of the letters............ thank goodness, I thought that it was me.


Thankyou for the welcome comments, As for telling any good tales, I`ve spent too much time listening to my Dads to have any of my own!!!! Though myself and Mr Symmonds did once bring London`s embankment to a standstill with a K2 naafi van on route from Kent to the potteries on it`s maiden voyage following purchace. A stamping of feet, a kick and a profannity or two and it fired back into life in the nick of time. Our very own ice cold in alex journey, We were even accompanied by a lovely nurse, My wife Karen (well somebody had to drive the car back and it wasn`t going to be Mark "the purchacer" or me giving up a 250 mile trip in the katy):-\

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