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Hello from Canada!

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Hi Everyone, my name is Troy and I own a company called Low Impact Offroad Solutions (www.lowimpactoffroad.com).


I run a fleet of Hagglunds BV206(approx 20) in Canada performing a wide variety of duties with them. I also use them for pleasure as well. I love these machines so much my wife sometimes says maybe I should have married one!


I am very interested in learning from others who have and use these machines. I also own a very nice Unimog Military Vehicle.


Thank you for accepting me into the forum, I look forward to getting to know the other members!


Best Regards



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Dear Troy,


welcome in to a very friendly Forum. See you are in Alberta.


We have a BV206 D6, have two friends with the V6 version, one just blew his engine and looking to repower.


Use ours every winter.


We are experimenting with eurethane roadwheels.


Have a need for some parts from time to time.


Here are a couple of random pictures of ours



BV et alia 001.jpg

BV et alia 038.jpg

BV et alia 039.jpg

Fox parts 085.jpg

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