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1/76th gmc cckw 352 & trailer


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some of you asked to see some more of my models so i thought i had better show you a painted one.


i made this model over a period of several weeks after seeing and photographing one at the now defunct weston s mare d-day show in 1994.



the only difference to the real one i saw is that mine has not got the ring mount and .50 cal hmg.

i could not find any models of the 352, plenty of the 353 so i scratchbuilt this one for my range.


the trailer is an airfix one with pva soaked tissue paper to make the tilt more like canvas and i replaced the wheels with the same ones from the truck.


i also scratchbuilt the chevy ypg4112 4x4 at the same time.

thanks for looking


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it was supposed to be a gs model.

the master took about 2 weeks from start to finnish, then it was moulded and then coppies cast from it, about 12 years ago i seem to remember.

dont know if i still have the moulds.

the front wich.bumper was always a fragile bit.

should have made that in metal


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Hi Shaun,

the GS and tipper (dump) are very similar looking, the obvious difference is that the tippers never had rear mudguards.

Cracking work Shaun, would love to see more!

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thanks for the comments.

now i know why you said tipper.

the mudguards are not part of the kit, far too fragile in resin, and most gamers would leave them off, and of course making something to fit it is easy just a bit of thin card squares.

if you want to see more, there are more pics here:-


where almost all of what i have made over the years are pictured

just finnished the stalwart in the same scale:-


cold war stuff is getting more popular recently,

but if you like big armed trucks this has to be one of the biggest;-


based on pics of one used in iraq, similar sort of thing as used in vietnam.


this one has an m60mg, a twin gpmg, (us m240) and a mini-gun, lots of firepower.

must get around to painting them soon.



Edited by sands
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