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At last, just ordered a 12volt conversion from Classic Heads.



...........so please stand by for sheds loads of questions :oops:






Don't they supply idiot proof instructions? :rtfm: :box : :-D



Hold on a minute, I could take that the wrong way but I know you don't mean it really :mailforyou:


Don't they supply idiot proof instructions? :rtfm: :box : :-D



Come on Degsy be fair, Don't they supply Jack proof instructions? you can't call the man an idiot surely :wink:


Jack, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results, do you know exactly what the kit consists of or is it going to be an 'Open the Box' job. :-o :-)

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, kit arrived!


Any important does or don'ts?



Many thanks.





Don't fit it yourself and do get someone to fit it for you


Don't fit it yourself and do get someone to fit it for you



Oi, you really do know how to upset someone.


You are just jealous as I have a kit and you don't :cofee:


Yea, do one thing at a time.........Finish your brakes first :banghead:



....can't, waiting for the bits :argh:


I will write up a full report when I have done it but first question.


Do I have to change/replace the coil?


Ok, kit arrived!


Any important does or don'ts?



Many thanks.





Yes - read the instruction through at least 3 times, put them back in the box, put the box away for 3 or 4 days then get it out and re-read the instructions another 3 times!!


Once you've done that - lay the parts out and get a feel for where and how they go.


THEN think about fitting it!!!!


Tonight Matthew, I am going to be a fitter :schocked:


So, what are the three wires on top of my alternator? I know that other one is an earth but what are the other two and what do they do?




If you are asking that question Jack then, joking aside, you should SERIOUSLY think about getting an auto-electrician to do the job for you!!!



........what are you saying about my skills Neil :evil:


Oh - just thinking you might save yourself a load of grief and abuse (self- and forum-based) if it goes wrong!!


I personally HATE vehicle electrics with a passion - but am currently involved in trying to get little Maud's headlamps working again..........

This involves hanging upside down from a roof hatch inside her with ones head stuck under the dash trying to work out which of the numerous white wires go where - and why!!


Ok, so where is Degsy, Matt and Karoshi when you need them :cry: :oops:


This is going to be straight forward enough Neil - just don't know what those wires do :blush: :flower:


Yes, you need to get a 12v coil, don't know any thing about 3 wires on top of the alternator, you need to take the main feed off the large terminal on the alternator to the starter switch and a wire from the small terminal to the ignition switch, this circuit MUST have a warning light incorpirated into it. This is just from memory Jack as of course I have no vehicle to refer to.


Ok, so where is Degsy, Matt and Karoshi when you need them :cry: :oops:



I'm here Jack,but it's no good asking me,I couldn't wire a plug :oops:, I could have a go if you want though,lets see red wire connects to blue wire connects to.....KA BOOM :shake: :?


Nope sorry I couldn't wire a plug.




oh flipping heck......



.......thank god for Oddball, he came, he saw, he sorted it, he took the p*%$.


Now knowing what needs to be done, this is a very very simple conversion and the kit that I bought was second to none, very pleased and will write up a report,


Best wishes.


Jack "12 volt" Beckett.

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