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Pioneer cab angle iron

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Very much doubt you will find new stuff in imperial size, don't think it's been rolled for a good while.

Given that the max size angle I can imagine used on the cab would be about 2 inches would the .8mm difference from metric be noticeable?


Only course of action I think if you insist on imperial is the reclaim and scrap yards.


I waited over twelve months to source some imperial channel to repair my Ward La France but I don't think you'd have too much trouble finding angle unless it's a very unusual size.

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Trying to find the imperial sizes now is pretty tricky and unless you get lucky or spend a long time on the blower you will struggle. The steel stock holders we spoke to keep a pretty tight control on their stock and tend not to have old stuff lying around taking up space. IIRC the bulb iron we needed for the tipping body on the Sentinel was found in a ship breakers in Portsmouth. We only found that by dumb luck.


On the upside we replaced a lot of the sections on our Pioneer (including the two front uprights and the nearside upright just aft of the door and the modern sizes are pretty close. Not perfect but close enough.

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