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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. Ex-LRDG vehicle wreck? this might be an M35 post war us truck, definitely not ww2 and LRDG
  2. Was that a Ferret on a trailer in the parking lot in the back ground at 0:56 ?
  3. That is one impressive vehicle.... is it a crane on the left side, it looks like a nice bit of kit to have. good luck the restroration.
  4. :laugh: wow what a fantastic job you are doing....
  5. It looks like there is an Antar parked behind the Martian
  6. yes the first designs where from the late 1890 and I just found these pictures of them being used in brazil around 2009
  7. Sorry But it is a magasin bag for Madsen. I can take some pictures of my bag with magasin in The Wiki link was just to show which weapon it was. I found this picture on the net where it can be seen. there is also a One magasin bag. They where a one point sold in denmark as trendy ladies handbag. a lot of madsens guns and equipment surfaced a couple of years ago and much was sold at W&P.
  8. It is a magasin bag, for Madsen machine gun, use by the Portuguese. It was made by a danish company that exported weapons to a lot of countries. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madsen_machine_gun. Normaly it should have a metal frame inside, in the top, that divides that in to five slots.
  9. could that dealer be Dirk Leegwater LWD parts, www.lwdparts.com
  10. I do not know yet what mechanical condition it is in, I am going to have it on a permanent loan from our vehicle club.
  11. Hi sorry for the late reply the AEC Command vehicle is in the UK, in Kent
  12. alright thanks I will try to trace the wires to see if there is a loose connection. If it isnt a loose wire is it possible to get replacement sensors or is it the whole instrument that needs to be replaced?
  13. Sorry for high jacking, My Champs temp gauge ( I think its the same system as on the pig) goes to max when I turn the igintion on, does that mean that a lead or plug has broken? or what does open circuit mean. again sorry
  14. Niels v

    What to buy

    What about buying a DANA ShKH vz.77, one of my friends has just gotton one. it seams to be a very nice vehicle with easy acces to the mechanics....
  15. Niels v

    What to buy

    I would buy something British WW2 Armoured ( Humber AC or SC, Dingo or Carrier etc.), a another Scammell Pioneer and a Cranes 7 1/2 ton recovery trailer to haule it with
  16. will be looking forward to following this resto :-) good luck with it
  17. Hi There is a big show each year but, But the JDR, Jyske Dragon Regiment, and GHR, Garde Hussar Regimentet, Takes turns to hold it. So the show shift each year between Jutland and Zealand. It would be very nice if any one from other countries would participate in the JDR Show, and I think that there will be plenty of beer during the evening....:cheesy: If your going to Esbjerg, and are in that area around the first weekend in august, there is some thing called åben hede, Open Plain, in Oksbøl where in the weekend some MV are showen and then the following Tuesday the 9th. there is Live firing with Tanks (Centurion, Leopard) , Motar, SPG (M109) etc. which the puplic can watch. I attached some pictures from last year.
  18. Hi Is this the same Dennis Pump trailer as the one on the picture of the Bedford QL model? Do any one have any info on these Pumps, is it possible to get spares, manuals etc. I am guessing that it is from forties, is this correct, where would it have been use AFS army RAF?
  19. The Humber Mk 4 that I have been working on where silver inside, the danish staghound Mk 3 is also silver.
  20. Hi I might be able to help with that
  21. Magnificent pictures..... I wonder how they got those scammells so bogged down
  22. Please then keep the chariotee turret and dont scrap it :cry:
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