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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. The danish army leaves some of its. they are completly worn down by the dust.
  2. the paint is very crisp, so i have used a chisel and scraped the most paint of (the large flat areas, its very effective, a bit hard work but it leaves almost no dust only a couple of millimeter big flakes, and it goes through paint a primer and some rust in one go) I used a needle gun for the corners other tricky places. then finally I ran it over with and angle grinder with wire wheel or cup to remove rust. the scraping leaves a good surface to paint. I use mostly brush to paint it with.
  3. One of my friends has bought some vehicles from SVT, (DANA 60, BTR, BRDM), and he has only positive things to say about them
  4. Hi and welcome oh please post pictures of your truck and progress. which of the configurations, of LRDG trucks are you building?
  5. Hi Ian I dont have any good pic of the wheel box before they where taken apart, but I can take pictures and messurment of the parts. Can you take a picture of how your body looks now with out the boxes?
  6. A bit more progress has been made, I am almost done with the priming of the chassis now, there where some surface rust that I could not get to on the rear axel so it had to come off.
  7. I think it might be a Dennis: http://www.armyvehicles.dk/dennistip.htm
  8. Here are two more pictures of danish Loyds
  9. Well your blower looks better that our yours where taken out of a mobilisation force in 1982 to and then probably driving out and left in on a training ground as an object until a couple of years ago.
  10. that article describes it well. with out going to too much detail, but its correct that you can drive the hydrogen out by heating it to around 200 C and it schould be done within two hours of inducing it. Sorry for high jacking the thread. :blush:
  11. There can be one risk regarding Electrolytic Rust Removal, you might induce hydrogen embrittlement in high strengt steel. Which can lead to sudden failure. so it schould be avoided with the types of steel. I schould be safe to use on normal body parts etc.
  12. Hi Alan You can get tube form here: http://www.pak-engineering.co.uk/ I dont know about the seals, the tubes in my radiator where soldered to the tube plate. I just found some 3 mm rubber sheet to make the gasket between the top tank and tube plate. Cheers
  13. hi and welcome..... that sounds like a noble act... keep up the good work. will be looking forward to seing pictures...
  14. I thought that they where not allowed to sell then because of the armour or am I wrong?
  15. I thought that they had been sold to Jordan..... http://www.milweb.net/webverts/58802/
  16. tatra's have a tendency to smoke a bit :nut: but they are not the only ones I still cant belive that their chassis survives this. there are still a some 813s in Denmark, so cab could maybe be found in denmark
  17. more pictures here http://hok.phanfare.com/5249284 and some from the åben hede show which might also have some interest http://hok.phanfare.com/5233039
  18. this looks very interesting, and will be looking forward to following this thread.... Good luck with it
  19. Yep It was the first outing for the Scammell, and it drew a bit of attention... I also had a chance to do some off roading, which was really fun. It would be nice if we could attract more foreigners and vehicles next year...
  20. Well we had a brilliant show.... there was a lot of vehicle (by Danish standards). Though the weather during the week was poor but it cleared up to the weekend. The show was held in a military urban training ground and terrain, which provided a great off road driving possibilities and a good show ground. the show was visited by army units (conscripts) friday and the show was opened to the public in the weekend. The where different presentations of old and current vehicles. There is a similar show next year around the same time on island of Zealand, and every body is welcome. More pictures here: http://www.ghrvpk.dk/jdrv2011.htm https://picasaweb.google.com/104877512517588449072/JDRShow2011?authuser=0&feat=directlink&gsessionid=pzmhRi6qQP5gHXe7SpdrZQ# http://jdrshowpics2011.jdrveteranpanser.dk/#home
  21. as long as it gives life to another one it alright.... thats better than it being turned in to a frying pan
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