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Lauren Child

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Posts posted by Lauren Child

  1. I think mine would me -


    White Scout Car,

    Abbott SPG

    M3 Grant


    Dodge WC-51

    BV206 with Comms back

    AEC command car


    Mark 1



    Edit - realised I missed the OT-64 so out comes the Sultan....

  2. I heard that the British Army would only consider actions in countries that had good Vodafone coverage.


    There is an alternative solution for low coverage areas, but it's limited to line of sight, the availability of yoghurt pots, and how quickly the string dries out.

  3. Thanks guys,


    The one I'm looking at has canvas and posts, but the canvas is old and leaking so it'll need replacing. I've found a place doing a set of canvas for 360quid (www.canvasco.com).


    Should I just be looking for the 3 metal posts, or are there some extra fixings that are needed?


    This one is a 51 with no winch, and is going for £5500. Is this pricey given the things that need sorting (canvas and tyres).

  4. Hi chaps and chapesses,


    Can I get some advice on buying a WC? What should I be looking out for, and how much should I be looking to spend.


    Last thing I want is to buy a shed. The one I'm looking at needs new tyres and isn't road registered, so those are both things I know I'll need to do.




  5. Thanks for keeping this running - I know other boards that folded completely when similar things happenned, and I know the sort of work it must have taken you to get it up and running again.


    Much appreciated.

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