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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. It looks like spikes/pyramids, but I'm going to go out on a limb and ask if this is a top down view of string or wire placed to tangle with people's feet?
  2. An arrangement of water pipes for a steam boiler?
  3. Is it something to do with signalling kites? They look a bit like box kites.
  4. I like to think of it as several layers of redundancy. Outer layers can be sacrificed without breaching the overall wall.
  5. Tardis traffic jam. Optimal arrangement of portaloo's after curry night at the Mess?
  6. Be aware that there were 2.5" laptop SCSI drives but they were rare. In some cases they were native SCSI and in some cases they were an IDE drive with a SCSI to IDE converter on a small board inside the HD caddy. They were used with things like Tadpole laptops (Sun Sparc, PA-RISC, Alpha etc.) where the workstation OS relied on SCSI. The 60 pin connector could be 50 pins of narrow SCSI-2, 6 pins of SCSI ID and 4 pins of power. If so you should still be able to boot with an external hard disk, but the internal ones may be more trouble that they're worth. There's some info on Question 22 here http://www.unixhub.com/SB-FAQ.html Have you looked to see if it can boot from PCMCIA? You should be able to get a Type 3 hard disk card that would slot in, and one of the Ebay pics showed similar. There's a 5Gb Type 2 here - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Portable-Hard-Drive-/301080338418'>http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Portable-Hard-Drive-/301080338418'>http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Portable-Hard-Drive-/301080338418 but it's a gamble whether the BIOS can read it as its a large size. There's a 105Mb Type 3 here which could be cheap enough to have a gamble with http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Portable-Hard-Drive-/301080338418
  7. Nice to see someone else taking the plunge and going straight for a CMP! Welcome along!
  8. So what sort of vehicles are taking your eye, or does it just have to be green and have some oomph about it?
  9. If I understand correctly, the final drive was a weak point of the Panther as it ended up weighing vastly more than it was designed for. I'd imagine it would be a desirable thing to remove from an unsalvageable tank before moving on. I can't imagine you'd go to that trouble to immobilise it.
  10. I'd be very surprised if you didn't need an export license. It's an armoured vehicle specifically built for military use.
  11. It is - thank you everso! Her other number was 5202313.
  12. Having got my record card through, it gives a MOS disposal reference with what looks like a date. I don't suppose any of you have a catalogue from around that time? MOS Disposal CAM/1/sales/
  13. One of the documentation copy companies is doing copies of "Wireless Sets No. 19, 19 H.P., 19/19, 19 H.P./19 in Trucks, 15 cwt., 4x4, Personnel and Trucks, 15 cwt., Half tracked, Personnel Fitting Instructions". It covers the White Scout Car. Alas I don't know which company it was and my copy isn't marked, but hopefully with the mouthful of the name you can track it down.
  14. I once did similar with a 432. I put a full jug of oil next to the drivers hatch, jumped up and over from the commanders hatch to get into the drivers position, and promptly sat on the jug dispersing its contents into the engine bay. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. I can't remember how long it took, but it did take a long time (many months). Mind you I asked for three vehicles and two ended up un-findable (albeit FMW found the contract cards which were interesting), so that held it up for a while.
  16. Welcome along Colin! What sort of engine is it? We need photo's
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