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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. The smaller can is also part of the standard equipment for some vehicles. You can see them in the kit photos for CMPs.
  2. The connector is a wartime type trailer connector to mount on the back of a vehicle.
  3. You can use google with the site keyword - e.g. google for "pig site:hmvf.co.uk" -that restricts google to just find responses from a particular site. (handy on a lot of websites that don't have search functions ) Alas it doesn't get away from the OP's problem of finding all the vehicle descriptives in people's signatures. I removed them from my signature block a while back after similar problems.
  4. A great tank and a round of applause for the ground handler.
  5. Found it -In the Comet workshop manual VAOS section LV1/BRC-Z3035
  6. On now, final part covering experience of tank warfare at the end of WW1
  7. Ah yup - theres a 1942 one photographed here http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/equipment-field-gear/british-1942-jerry-can-436393/
  8. At a guess I'd say 1943. 1942 sounds a bit early to me, and I can see a 1943 one on a quick google search. There's a definite switchover point that you can see on CMP vehicles where the POW can holder changed to a universal type that could hold the old style cans and jerricans depending on what was around.
  9. Well an awesome display and a very interesting post on the history. Thanks all.
  10. I think holding control and pushing zero will reset to 100% text size.
  11. Is that £600 a month or £600 a year?
  12. Comet and early Cent manuals list it as Key, universal, filler caps and trap doors. Part no. Z3035 Cromwell vehicle training pamphlet calls it Tool, combination, (supersedes "key, trap-door catch" "key, drain plug" and "key, petrol oil and water cap").
  13. There were wartime adverts describing the Dodge as the Jeep's bigger brother IIRC, so that could have lead to Big Jeep.
  14. If anyone finds a second one I may be needing one myself. I've been scanning ebay.
  15. For use in a balloon or zepellin? Between the pockets of hydrogen?
  16. If you're interested in volunteering drop me a PM and I'll pass on the contact details
  17. Is it something like a fridge - buried for insulation (I'm assuming that the top of the drawing is flush withe ground?)
  18. I think you might be on to something there Ah maybe not
  19. It kind of looks like a burner or boiler. Is it for heating or possibly for launching something upwards?
  20. The mind boggles at some of the misinterpretations that may have occurred over the years.
  21. Gotta say, I got a bit worried when I saw a description of painting it in "number 2 brown". Not sure if it's a stores numbering, description of colour or a specification of what to use.
  22. Maybe for the wider world, but in the UK a fair number would have survived. You can see a lot more CMPs, WOTs and Bedfords in UK civilian use in post war film footage than you can Dodge WCs and jimmies. I'd guess that we see a lot more US kit at the shows because they have good parts availability and are easier to keep on the road.
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