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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. It's a shame, but it's still an interesting one. Hopefully Rick can team it up with an owner. I still can't work out a use for the second set of holes (unless it's not in the holes in that top photo, and I've been on a wild goose chase).
  2. What's the purpose of the second set of holes at the remote end of the first stage of the vee? This one looks like it fits two different vehicles.
  3. I got The History of the 79th Armoured Division, a chocolate orange, and penguin duct tape, all of which will end up being MV related in one way or another
  4. Ah, someone in it's past has added Ford components (that's a Ford part number). Maybe we can sneak you into the Ford CMP camp as an honorary member Glad to see you are keeping it as a part of it's history. It is an awesome looking truck - keep it up
  5. Efforts to slim down far enough that I can get in and out of a small drivers hatch may have hit a temporary turkey induced delay.
  6. The peculiar thing on the originally posted one is the two sets of holes - one appearing straight and one appearing angled. It's not a general purpose one as the vee is at a fixed angle itself.
  7. There are several types of Halon. BCF is a UK name for bromochlorodifluoromethane which is Halon 1211.
  8. That's completely bonkers Clive, but it poses a very significant problem. So exactly how much number 9 coal do you need to move to get another day older and break even, wet or dry? Something went wrong...
  9. What's the story on the jeep? It look very unusual.
  10. Remember that there's more than one organisation on site, working to many of the same goals. The Duxford MV show was put on by both the museum and DAS (the MV Wing). While the museum may have had to pull the plug on the show, it'll be important to find another way of supporting DAS and their works in maintaining the running vehicles, restoration workshops, etc. DAS is a volunteer charity so is dependant upon things like donations and the show tank rides etc. for income alongside funded restoration project works for the museum.
  11. I have to say, from your list the SA6 sounds really good. Similarly if you were looking for a suggestion I'd consider an OT62 TOPAS - they have a really odd and interesting look to them (almost castle like) which doesn't really come across in photos, but does make for a very interesting museum exhibit. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OT-62_TOPAS For the OT64 SKOT, I found out recently that there was an engineer variant which sounded both interesting and useful. It's called a DTP64 and comes in a tank and a mechanised infantry version.
  12. I believe there's a bridge-layer too that's on loan to another museum
  13. I can't help but think it needs the tune to captain pugwash playing in the background. ~~Tiddlyump tiddlyump deedumpy-dump~~
  14. Just a reminder to those who use binders for their magazines, I'm not sure how long these will be available. I ordered (and recieved) some for my collection after querying the company, so the shop is still working. https://shop.keypublishing.com/product/View/productCode/MMIBINDER/12-Issue-B
  15. I think it is, technically, though I'm not sure you'd want to try it. There's certainly fittings for a screen around some of them and I'm sure I've seen photo's of mark 1s with a splash board mounted on the front.
  16. I think the old soviet block kit is quite resilient to different fluids. I remember my old motorbike (an MZ) had different instructions for east and west Germany. According to the translator, for the gearbox: West Germany, use a good quality EP90 semi synthetic oil. East Germany, use "some oil".
  17. I just stumbled upon The Armor Journal on facebook. The first issue is up for download http://www.armorjournal.com/download_magazine.php
  18. Take a look at the threads on licensing. In general/summary, if it's pre 1960 you can drive it unladen for fun, but if you want to carry things, use it for work, or drive a later vehicle then you'll need to down rate the vehicle to C1 (approximately a luton van) or take your C licence. Depending on what you want to do with the box body, registering as a motorhome might be another option to explore.
  19. With the post war WD reg you may be able to find the wartime number and details from the RLC museum. Similarly, FMW may be able to find you the contract card.
  20. The way I'm reading that it seems to indicate that both businesses should be continuing to trade independently, regardless of the same ownership?
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