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About dmetalmiki

  • Birthday January 1

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    Ex military vehicles
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    mechanic not computer wiz kid!

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  1. RT/PRC Clansman 350 Man pack radios. In the packs, complete with aerials cables headsets and various fittings. Three original complete packages, one has two radios in it, so FOUR radios in total. The whole lot £300.00. please. Bank transfer (bacs or cash fine) ring anytime 01621 772 107. .
  2. damaged unused unwanted hidden in your barn/scrap pile T138 M54/M62 Transfer case. OR parts of. For Spares only. 01621 772107.
  3. Well I have the WHOLE truck, but due to 'old age' and cutting down its not going to be restored. I have EVERYTHING for a deuce...and a five ton and a goat and a ..the list goes on..and on, this stuff have been accumulated over the (Many!) years in the hobby. Just think of ALL the 'stuff' all over in collectors workshops garages and dens..(just) Where is it all going to end up?. Ya' just have to get real sooner..or..later. RING me. 01621 772107, perhaps you should come and see what you need. (or just plain want).
  4. M35 A2 Deuce spares , Engine. Components, Bumper with complete WINCH (AND EXTENSIONS.) . P.T.O. .Drive shaft Levers and shifter. Many other parts, too numerous to list. I.E. Hardtop, troop body, Numerous Electrical items.Ring 01621 772107.
  5. Retiring Collector. (Has, amongst many other parts) PEAK TURRET, RADIATOR, (fits all series). 6.5 7,000 W. twin cyl. low rpm (1500) 115-240 volt Onan generator, electric/hand start with all cables workshop manuals handbook. Unit only done 7 (SEVEN) hours. Huge Ex-military inverter. 12-24-36-48 volt input. Outut. ? Around 4.5 KVA. Loads of other military vehicle spares, Including a full set of M561. Gamma Goat wheels and tires. + a supercharger. come look or ring 01621 772107 for details.
  6. Korean war era M 715. kaiser jeep, All new canvasses, including seats. Sleeping 'hideaway' in back for stay over at events etc.Perkins diesel engine. Ready to show. £7000. 01621 772107
  7. 1952 U.S. Army M38A1 Korean war era jeep. In original condition with NO rust and NO rot. One of the first 1000 manufactured, a RARE example in this superb condition. Starts on the button, drives fine, no knocks or leaks etc. Everything functions as it should. Good tires all round and spare, with jerrican etc. Handbook. does not require TAX or MOT. (historic vehicle). A rare fine example of this post war jeep. ANY trial or inspection. Snip. At. £7500. You will obtain one in this original condition for this price again. Workshop manual. Completely Ready to drive away and show at events etc. 01621 772107 07596 894 922
  8. Cutting down collection. retiring. clearance. Peak Turret. Suit 432 and similar. Serious offer for this quite hard to obtain piece of kit. ring anytime 01596 894922 located in Essex. Also complete Continental LDT465 Multi-fuel Engine. Some miscellaneous ancillaries for it available also. Ex army (HUGE) inverter, input 12-24-36-Volts output 240 Volts. Onan twin cylinder Low rpm (1500) 7000 watts. 50-60 cps. Electric or manual start us army uk generator. . fly leads remote all manuals and user books. ONLY done 7 (seven!) hours use. Air operated radio mast with spinning radar unit for the top. Great at shows rotating with lights on!. 01621 772 107
  9. London uk
  10. 1952 U.S. Army M38A1 Korean war era jeep. In original condition with NO rust and NO rot. One of the first 1000 manufactured, a RARE example in this superb condition. Starts on the button, drives fine, no knocks or leaks etc. Everything functions as it should. Good tires all round and spare, with jerrican etc. Handbook. does not require TAX or MOT. (historic vehicle). A rare fine example of this post war era jeep. ANY trial or inspection. You will not obtain one in this original condition for this price again. Workshop manual. Completely Ready to drive away anywhere and show at events etc. be quick, £8500 telephone 01621 772107 0r 07596 894 922 anytime.
  11. For those that have noticed the hobby fading, due to no "new blood" coming into it, Due entirely to the lack of insurance cover available to younger members. (though younger can mean NO ONE under 30!) There is a plethora of companies offering everything (except colorful full pages of advertising on every site you visit and forum you visit). and giving nothing in actuality. Now comes a refreshing change. An insurance broker that CARES and can provide for the military vehicle enthusiast, AND their younger family members. Aged 17 to 30. There are sensible restrictions or endorsements, for those younger family members in an enthusiast family of military collectors, such as, Driving whilst accompanied (as a relief driver) OR in convoy with. More than useful to get the enthusiasts family vehicles to a show or an event. And be members of suitable clubs, IMPS, MVT etc. And have some experience around vehicles in type, and supervision of the older experienced members. Applies to historic and classic car enthusiasts as well. Our Savior? ( or at last the hobbies savior?) PETER JAMES INSURANCE. Not the cheapest, Just the best for the hobby, or those wishing to avail themselves of the opportunity. And as most members want to preserve promote AND protect the hobby by nature, this opportunity is something that that needs the utmost backing with supervision, so that the new blood now able to come into the furtherance of the hobby can long continue.
  12. London
  13. We have a zill wih a cummins 130 turbo deisel engine if interested with matching camping unit dmetalmiki@aol.com
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