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Everything posted by ashley

  1. welcome minnie, look forward to seeing the photo`s when posted. Ashley
  2. Hi all, i thought on the whole it wasn`t that busy (maybe quieter than the last one ?? ) There was a nice looking Humber on site as well as a cool looking ferret and a couple of jeeps, but the bargins i think were scarce on the ground though threr were one or two to be had. There again met some old friends and some new ones to include `dotty dodge` Rowan and dad, great to chat to you guys and thanks for the fan belt (owe you one for sure ) May be the B/H was a bad choice but at least it did not rain !! Ashley
  3. Hi MM, nice pictures, nice vehicles, looks like an appreciative crowd, hope it wasn`t too damp for you judging by the weather. Thanks for sharing . Ashley
  4. welcome Steve, hope you enjoy your time here ,how about a picture of your jeep ?? Ask away there are some very knowlegable people here. Ashley
  5. Hi, i am sure that there is a running tiger in a german museum, but it is running on a more modern diesel motor ?? Ashley
  6. Hi all, i am 99% sure that i will be there between 0700/0800 Hrs so hope to meet some HMVF members there ! Ashley
  7. Hi Dodgey, what are the times for this event ?? Ashley
  8. It is not a lack of bodies as such: it is the 'trained' part that is hard to come by: where the hell do you practice to become fully profficient BEFORE you drive it? Just a small example: if one side gearsman is in neutral and the commander has not locked the differential, when the driver lets in the clutch then the diff will spin uncontrolably. If one side gearsman changes into 2nd and the other a bit slow in changing gear and is still in 1st when the clutch is let in by the driver then the gears will lock and prevent the gearchange. This will give the same effect as the Wilson regenerative steering system but in old gears and shafts not designed for it. A broken half shaft would certainly result if the gearbox themselves survived. Remember that this perfect co-ordination has to be achieved in a bucking vehicle with no springs with the uncovered, unguarded engine bellowing away with lots of bare rotating parts waiting to bite you. It is not just a case of pulling someone in off the street! Hi , i also expect that the Health and Safety act (1974) etc would have something to say if anything went wrong !! and a training course for this type of action would be very expensive (in monetary terms as finding some thing to train on ) maybe remote control is needed :lol: :lol: sorry :oops: i really do not know the answer to the problem but what a shame I suppose this has led to the reproductions now available on e-bay. John i expect you have tried the museum for transport for your tank, it is a shame that such a rare item will be missing from Tankfest,unless any one here can help....... Ashley
  9. Hi all, must say that my wife has never understood the mind of collecting / military vehicle ownership (after being a military [german] enthusiast for 30+years and a vehicle owner for approx five years (shame it aint german :cry: ) but she has come to a few shows to get a" feel" of things, but does`nt understand the amount of maint. required for the old jeep, daughter (7 yrs old ) loves it and is always inviting friends round for a drive in it, usually when its raining or about -5 :lol: :lol: ,i origonally brought her :arrow: ( the jeep :lol: ) to take my interest to the open air after german militaria (helmets etc) became to expensive to expose to the British elements, they remain indoors now. Ashley
  10. Hi John, any chance the WW1 tank will ever run again ?? will yours be on display ?? remember seeing you at studland with the tank a couple of years ago. Ashley
  11. Hi all, The tiger tank at Tankfest was really what the crowds turned up for including my self there are many fine exhibits running and non running at the museum, and though it did not sound to great it was a fantastic sight to see the tiger take to the arena. I am sure i saw john on the tank when the engine decks were up after the display. I belive that even now the german running example has had a diesel engine fitted, may this could be next for 131 ?? Iam sure many can remember the 1st WW tank when it was running another great sight which has now ceased, and Bovington over the years has had some fine examplea running, matilda, tetctrac(?) RR armoured car but i belive the fact that they do not get constant use after restoration could be the reason that even the restored vehicles have high maintenance costs. I know that last due to an illness the jeep got very little use and it was a right pig to start each time, THANK GOD FOR STARTING HANDLES. Ashley
  12. My 7 year old daughter is definately up for it, so much so two years ago she mastered the art of releasing the hand brake whilst it was parked on the slope out side our garage, luckily i was underneath it at the time to stop it rolling away :lol: :lol: :oops: Ashley
  13. sorry guys that last picture shows a reproduction scots man my wife spotted the extra cladding (she is a scot ) so keep an eye open for the fakes :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . Ashley
  14. Hi all, check out this 1944 Hetzer for sale in luxemburg on the ABC collections for sale board (sorry but i could not attach a link. Ashley
  15. very nice pictures guys, looks like you all had a good day, nice to see some non american kit on display Ashley
  16. Hi all, i thought that the law only stated that booster/ car seats have to be used up to the age of three years, and after that they only "advise " the use of ?? Ashley
  17. Hi Tony, there are actually some HMVF badges circulating at present which will be sought after once the show season gets underway. There have been suggestion of t-shirts, sweat shirts in the past which i am sure are still being consisered. Ashley
  18. Though completly different, i remember seeing a military dated wartime stump cutter (p.t.o. driven) at beltring about two years ago quite an awesome piece of gear for its day. Ashley
  19. Hi i have had longer terms than five years (7 i think is the max i used) Ashley
  20. Hi all, these include an Albion (1944) a couple of pigs (1 foaming) a Stolly (swimmer)to name a few. Ashley
  21. Hi all, when my jeep was restored in the 1970`s the only markings were for the 3 rd. inf which it still carries. It is named LIL`HARRY`after the previouse owners grandfather who served in WW2 in the signals. Untill i finally decide what i intend to portray i will keep it as such. Ashley
  22. Hi all, no one fancy this ?? Ashley http://contact.ebay.co.uk/ws1/eBayISAPI.dll?ShowEmailAuctionToFriend&item=6615724424 sorry not a direct link but do check out the item on offer
  23. Hi all, thiugh i understand that denims are available being one of those who supports the "fuller figure" remitt finding the right size can be a problem. I expect Beltring will be the answer if i can find nothing else. I did fine a st of B.D.`s to just fit but a change in medication soon put paid to that though, time to reach for the salads again :cry: Ashley P.s the denims which are supposed to be worn over B.D.s always have such a large seat in them :lol:
  24. Hi, i`ve booked in, hopefuly so has my mate with his kuble. Ashley
  25. Hi Cara and Karoshi, thanks for the replies, all that i am after really is some battle dress/ denims (49 patt is not a problem) but saying that as Karoshi hinted i a not 100% too worried about authenticity with in reason but as said befor as it is not a "desperate must have" i am not too keen on some of the prices some people want for thier gear so i am searching all avenues i am sure that i`ll turn up something soon :? Ashley
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