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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Hi Degsy, I use Elite 30 in old engines where the filtration system is hit and miss. In later engines, also use Supreme 30. I recollect when the 20w/50 oils were introduced, they were a direct replacement for SAE30 detergent oil. Providing the engine is clean inside, then 20/50 should be alright.
  2. Best solution............use the whiffy clothes for cleaning cloths. I once got soaked in Diesel after an "incident" and never did get the smell out of my jeans.
  3. Wonderful stuff, still use it on some vehicles, but a sod to pour in cold weather.
  4. 2a Lightweight, Chassis No.1 Restored by Phil Bashall..........IIRC it did not enter military service, but was retained by Land Rover, hence the Warwickshire registration number.
  5. Mark, I remember the L/wt, we would all camp with Rog J & Co at the rallies in those days........Beltring, Rushmoor, Southsea, Parham, etc. Richard
  6. Off topic...........but.........I pulled a Freightliner artic out of the mud at Beltring with my QL.....broke the tow rope the first attempt. Also it towed a loaded DAF 95 low loader across a muddy field at Goodwood once.....so it is amazing what you can move with a smaller vehicle. Back to Scammells, does anyone remember this Constructor, it was on the 1990 Guernsey Liberation tour?
  7. Just found this shot of Stev's Pinkie soon after he bought it......at an event at Brands Hatch.
  8. Here is a blast from the past........Steve Wright was recently mentioned on the forum, here he is with his SAS Pinkie........followed by the one and only VW based Pinkie, driven by Dick Knight ( I know at least one member on here will remember Dick ).
  9. Glad to see that I am not the only one confused at this damned RSSRobot, it caught me out until I realised you click on "more" at the bottom so you can then see who is posting. Why can't the posters name come up, instead of Robot ? another confused Richard :confused:
  10. This is my favourite.........a must have. Perentie mobile workshop, the kit carried was extensive, on the far side, a bench folded down to work outside. It was part of the Australian Army back up on a convoy run I was taking part in.......story to follow Richard
  11. Oh dear ........ sorry to upset you. I have always been a Scammell enthusiast, right from the late 50's when I took delivery of a new Explorer recovery, straight out of the box ( Dinky Toy :-D). Around about 1961, I was taken to a local barracks for a RASC open day, there was an Explorer there and I was allowed in the cab........little was I to know that about 13 years later, I would be working on them and driving them. Great vehicles and I have had experience of Pioneer, Crusader and S26 as well, although the later two are not in the same class as the others. Just remembered, I was a member of the Scammell Spotters Club in the 60's as well......still got the badge and book they sent me Like to have seen the Constructor pulling that artic though, whatever size it was :tup::
  12. What he did not say was that the laden artic was one of those little Bedford TK ones with single axle trailer :-D
  13. Now this has brought back a little story regarding Scammell Mediums (as Explorers were known in the army). At the REME workshops where I worked, there was also an Ordnance depot. Vehicles for disposal were brought in from local units at one time, but disposed of through the big Ruddington auctions, viewing being done in previous days. After the auctions, it was quite busy with people like Vass turning up and literally stacking Bedford RL's together on low loaders. One day after an auction, a Scammell medium recovery was seen coming down from the Ord depot.....with black smoke pouring out of the exhaust, definitely running rich. The driver pulled up at the workshop and explained he was driving the vehicle back to Norwich but he had a problem. Now the vehicle examiners were well aware of what the fault was ( and were no doubt waiting for this moment ). Sometime previously, an Antar broke down in the area, fault being..........a faulty float in the carb. Being a weekend and using initiative, they removed one from the Explorer waiting for disposal and used that, but did not replace it, so one carb was flooding. I have no doubt that a float was found .
  14. Right, this one is up my street ! C600 was a Straight SAE 140 gear oil ( ie no high load additives ). I think that during WW2, or at least the early part, the British military did not have Extreme Pressure gear oils. after the war, EP or Hypoid oils were then issued to War Office spec. The MW would have used Hypoid 90 grade, this is probably the word you cannot read. So you can either use Straight 140 gear oil, which is a bit heavy in a gearbox in low temperatures, or normal EP90 or Hypoy 90 gear oil. As I cannot recollect any "yellow" metal in gearbox or axle, there is no issue with the GL spec regarding EP oils. Richard
  15. Ah, see it all now..........its a lot closer to home than I thought and the Royal Navy flag is a clue. Catweazle, I will let you tell the story on this......being a nautical man :captain: Richard
  16. Catweazle, I am having guess here, the U boat has been captured and is in a port in either Canada or US, judging by the camoflaged grain silo and uniformed personnel.
  17. According to your pictures of the oil flow, there are three valves in the lubricating system, Main relief valve 5.5 - 8 atu Filter bypass 1 - 1.5 atu Cooler bypass 1.5 - 2 atu Are you sure the oil / water problem initially, was the head gasket? Coolers are often likely problem, hence why you still have oil in the water perhaps? Richard
  18. Mike, That has just brought it back in my memory. I thought we used to use a rope from above, to drop the box out. Too long ago now :-(
  19. thats why I'm not spoiling the fun
  20. Catweazle, This has a nautical flavour, not surprising really . It is called by the same name as Steptoe & Son might have been called. Am I warm ? :-D Maybe I will hold back for a while ......and have a cup of tea while waiting :coffee: Richard
  21. :nono: its Quality...........not Quantity of posts, that really matters
  22. Tony, Would not mind betting the screw was the wrong side of the inner piston, not allowing it to be pushed in. Seen it before. The screw stands proud of the bore and is to stop the piston coming back too far. I collected a Dingo for a customer once, drove it back and the brakes were nearly none existant. When I stripped the master cylinder down the end of the screw was bent where the inner piston was being held from going up the cylinder. Richard
  23. :shake::shake::shake: :nono: aghhhh....you are not one of those "hit it if it is not working" types, are you? Piston out of "kilit"............new one on me, only had a QL for 20 years, never had anything out of kilit on it :???
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